HPLC-Säulen Ionenausschluss, PRP-X300

79464 79465 79475 79460 79373 79453 79374 79129 79130 79289 79915
554-0247EA 1010 EUR
554-0247 554-0351 554-0255 554-1274 554-1249 554-1268 554-1250 554-1229 554-1230 HAMI79289 HAMI79915
HPLC-Säulen Ionenausschluss, PRP-X300
A fast, versatile HPLC column packing material. These columns rapidly and easily separate closely related alcohols and organic acids without column heating. The sulfonated poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) support separates samples by a mixed mode mechanism. A wide range of samples can be analysed with these columns because the selectivity of the column can be altered by changing the pH of the buffer or adding an organic modifier (methanol, acetonitrile) to the buffer. The stability to organic solvents makes it possible to analyse samples that have been too highly retained on conventional ion exclusion supports.

  • Use with organic solvent from 0 to 100% for elution of highly retained compounds

The excellent selectivity of the PRP-X300 columns ensures most separations are complete within five minutes. The high performance packing ensures narrow peaks under isocratic conditions. The use of isocratic conditions allows samples to be analyzed without column reequilibration. When samples are too complex or the isocratic analysis takes too long, you can always run a gradient. Most samples require only minimal preparation before injection.

Compound classification: Organic acids/Alcohols

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