Inland Revenue Condensers with Standard Ground Joints

Lieferant: SciLabware
C6/13/SC C6/12/SC
201-8293EA 344 EUR
201-8293 BIBBC6/12/SC
Inland Revenue Condensers with Standard Ground Joints
PYREX®, borosilicate glass.

  • Vapour and distillate move down through the coil
  • Coolant water flows outside the coil giving high cooling efficiency
  • High chemical and temperature resistance

Complete with detachable plastic hose connectors for the easy and safe attachment of flexible tubing.

Approximate surface area is 2,5 x 102 m2

Note: Inland Revenue condensers should be used in the vertical mode only with vapour fed in via the upper socket and liquid distillate leaving via the lower cone. Distillation rates should be slow to avoid "slugging" and back pressure in the coil.

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