Salzsäure 35%, GPR RECTAPUR®

Lieferant: VWR Chemicals

Synonyme: Hydrochloric acid solution, Muriatic acid

20248.295EA 21.4 EUR
20248.295 20248.364 20248.290 20248.330 20248.460
Salzsäure 35%, GPR RECTAPUR®
Formel: HCl
Molecular Weight: 36.46 g/mol
Schmelzpunkt: –30 °C
Dichte: 1.18 g/cm³ (20 °C)
Lagertemperatur: Raumtemperatur
MDL: MFCD00011324
CAS-Nummer: 7647-01-0
EINECS: 231-595-7
UN: 1789
REACH: 01-2119484862-27


Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Assay 35 - 38 %
Appearance Clear colourless liquid
Appearance of solution Passes test
Free bromine or chlorine Passes test
Evaporation residue Max. 50 ppm
Free chlorine Max. 1 ppm
Heavy metals (as Pb) Max. 1 ppm
Ignition residue (SO4) Max. 80 ppm
Br (Bromide) Max. 5 ppm
SO3 (Sulphite) Max. 10 ppm
SO4 (Sulphate) Max. 5 ppm
As (Arsenic) Max. 1 ppm
Fe (Iron) Max. 2 ppm

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