Blood collection tubes, BD Vacutainer®, BD PPT™

Lieferant: BD Medical
362799 362795
BDAM362799EA 473 EUR
BDAM362799 BDAM362795
Blood collection tubes, BD Vacutainer®, BD PPT™
Klinisches Diagnosezubehör Klinische Probenentnahme und Probenvorbereitung Entnahme und Vorbereitung von Blutproben
The tubes are used for the separation of undiluted plasma from whole blood for molecular diagnostic test methods.

Contains spray-dried K2 EDTA and gel barrier prevents plasma from coming in contact with red blood cells to maintain stability of the plasma. The tube is also applicable to other MDx analysis where an undiluted plasma specimen is required.

The user is not exposed to blood samples enclosed in the BD Vacutainer® tube hence provides safe handling of infectious samples.

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