Blood collecting sets, Vacutainer® Safety-Lok™

Lieferant: BD Medical
367284 367295 367282 367286 367284UK 367247 367288 367295UK 368653 368652 367246
BDAM367284EA 160 EUR
BDAM367284 BDAM367295 720-2781 BDAM367286 BDAM367284UK BDAM367247 BDAM367288 BDAM367295UK BDAM368653 BDAM368652 BDAM367246
Blood collecting sets, Vacutainer® Safety-Lok™
Klinisches Diagnosezubehör Klinische Probenentnahme und Probenvorbereitung Entnahme und Vorbereitung von Blutproben
Blood collection sets consist of a needle and a multi-sample Luer adapter, connected by several length of tubing. A Safety-Lok protective shield reduces needlestick risk.

  • Needles available with a pre-attached holder
  • Luer adapter allows specimen collection from a 'closed system'
  • Translucent shield shows blood flashback clearly and locks retracted needle into place after use

Standards: Safety-Lok shields meet current OSHA safety standards for engineering controls.

Bestellinformation: Additional Luer adapters are available.

Lieferumfang: Supplied sterile, slim and easy to handle, with larger wing for improved positioning.

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