Solid phase extraction cartridges, Bond Elut™ C1

Lieferant: VARIAN
12102031 12102004 12102090
VARI12102031EA 189 EUR
VARI12102031 VARI12102004 VARI12102090
Solid phase extraction cartridges, Bond Elut™ C1
Due to the methyl group and subsequent low carbon load, Bond Elut™ C1 is the least retentive of all alkyl group bonded phases for non-polar compounds. However, due to the extensive end capping of this sorbent to mask polar silanol activity, retention and elution of polar and multi-functional analytes can still be achieved. Typical applications include plasma, urine and aqueous samples.

  • Least retentive of all alkyl group bonded phases
  • Easy retention and release of polar compounds
  • Easy retention and release of multi-functional compounds


Kohlenstoffbelastung 4,1%
Endcapped Ja
Surface area 500 m²/g

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