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Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Die KingFisher™ Magnetpartikelprozessoren sind dafür konzipiert, die zeitaufwändigen Probenaufbereitungsprozesse für Nukleinsäuren, Proteine oder Zellen aus praktisch allen Quellen (z. B. Blut, Zellkulturen, Gewebelysaten, Bodenproben, Kot) zu automatisieren. Zur KingFisher™ Produktreihe zählen Geräte mit unterschiedlichem Durchsatz und Volumen für verschiedene Probenaufbereitungsanforderungen. Jedes System umfasst ein Gerät, speziell konstruiertes Kunststoffzubehör und Software. Die KingFisher™ Systeme erlauben eine schnelle und reproduzierbare Aufreinigung von hochwertiger DNA, RNA, Proteinen und Zellen für verschiedenste nachgelagerte Anwendungen, u. a. Genomik und Proteomik, Arzneimittelentwicklung, Forensik, Biomarkererkennung, Qualitätskontrolle und veterinärmedizinische Assays.

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Ultrapure Bioreagent is designed for the degradation of both single stranded and double stranded DNA and RNA. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Ultrapure Bioreagent is used to ensure host cell DNA impurities are removed; driving process efficiency by lowering viscosity and preventing aggregation. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease is an enzyme based upon the native endonuclease of Serratia marcescens, enabling rapid clearance of residual DNA and RNA during the production and purification of both recombinant proteins and viral vectors. Non-animal origin. The purity of materials in non-negotiable. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Ultrapure Bioreagent acts to degrade and eliminate extraneous genetic material, ensuring the pristine quality of your final product.
Artikel-Nr: (J869-500G)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Wird für die Herstellung von molekulargenetischen Stämmen von <i>E. coli</i> verwendet. Unterstützt eine höhere Zelldichte, um die Plasmid-Ausbeute zu erhöhen.
VE: 1 * 500 g

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Label your antibody with one of our superior CF® Dyes in 30 minutes without a purification step. Labelling tolerates many common buffer components including BSA and ascites.

Lieferant: Biosensis
Beschreibung: Mouse NGF (2.5S) was isolated from mouse submaxillary glands by method of Mobley et al (1976) and is a form of beta-NGF that has identical biological properties. NGF is known to regulate the survival and development of certain sympathetic and sensory neurons. It is a dimer with 2 identical polypeptide chains and dimeric molecular weight of approximately 26,500 Da. Isolation and purification of NGF from mouse submaxillary glands yields preparations of NGF (2.5S) with identical biological activity but with cleavages at the amino terminus (with the loss of 8 amino acids) and/or at the carboxy-terminus (with the loss of arginine). These preparations are named 2.5 NGF.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: Carboxyl coupling resin consists of 6% cross-linked agarose with covalently linked diaminodipropylamine (DADPA) to generate a free primary amine at the end of a long spacer arm. Molecules, including proteins, peptides and nucleic acids, are covalently coupled to the free primary amines, and the stable columns are ideal for affinity purification of antibodies and other interacting partners.

Lieferant: AGILENT
Beschreibung: The InterPlay Mammalian TAP system allows you to recover interacting proteins from mammalian cells.

Artikel-Nr: (92299.)
Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Die Mix-n-Stain™ Antikörper-Markierungs-Kits nutzen eine Technologie, die eine schnelle Antikörpermarkierung ohne Aufreinigungsschritt ermöglicht.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent meets the strictest cGMP standards and is designed for the degradation of both single stranded and double stranded DNA and RNA. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent is used to ensure host cell DNA impurities are removed; driving process efficiency by lowering viscosity and preventing aggregation. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent is an enzyme based upon the native endonuclease of Serratia marcescens, enabling rapid clearance of residual DNA and RNA during the production and purification of both recombinant proteins and viral vectors. Non-animal origin. Absence of proteolytic activity. The purity of materials in non-negotiable. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent acts to degrade and eliminate extraneous genetic material, ensuring the pristine quality of your final product.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: These centrifugal filter units can be used for a number of applications: concentration of biological samples containing antigens, antibodies, enzymes, nucleic acids, or microorganisms; purification of macromolecular components found in tissue culture extracts or cell lysates and protein removal prior to HPLS; concentration of dilute or pre-purified proteins from column eluents; desalting, buffer exchange and protein dialysis; size exclusion and protein fractionation.

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Das Mix-n-Stain™ Biotin Antikörper-Markierungs-Kit nutzt eine Technologie, die eine schnelle Antikörpermarkierung mit Biotin ohne Aufreinigungsschritt ermöglicht.
Artikel-Nr: (521-4099)
Lieferant: Beckman Coulter
Beschreibung: Major applications: Separation of subcellular particles (pelleting, rate-zonal gradient), viruses (pelleting, rate-zonal gradient), protein purification/isolation (pelleting, rate-zonal gradient), DNA (pelleting, CsCl isopycnic), RNA (CsCl pelleting, density gradient), lipoproteins (differential flotation or gradient).
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Das Mix-n-Stain™ FITC Antikörper-Markierungs-Kit nutzt eine Technologie, die eine schnelle Antikörpermarkierung mit einem grün fluoreszierenden Farbstoff (FITC) ohne Aufreinigungsschritt ermöglicht.

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Easily label SNAP-tag®, CLIP-tag™, HaloTag®, or other ligands with fluorescent dyes, no purification needed. Cell membrane-permeant and impermeant dye options for intracellular or surface targets.

Artikel-Nr: (ENZOBMLEI3410001)
Beschreibung: A useful tool for affinity purification of HSP-90 and HSP-90 dependent client proteins.
VE: 1 * 1 mg

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Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: NDSB 201 is a zwitterionic compound. Unlike zwitterionic detergents, the hydrophobic group in NDSB 201 is too short to form micelles, even at 1 M concentrations. NDSB 201 can be used for the purification of proteins and solubilisation of protein samples for 2D gel electrophoresis.

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