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Artikel-Nr: (632512ZA)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Für unterschiedliche mikrobiologische Anwendungen.
VE: 1 * 20 ST

Artikel-Nr: (102502ZA)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Für verschiedene mikrobiologische Anwendungen.
VE: 1 * 20 ST

Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Trockennährböden in kleinen Sachets einsatzbereit um exakt 500 ml Nährmedium herzustellen.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Lysogeny broth (LB) is a nutritionally rich medium used for the propagation and maintenance of <i>E. coli. </i>It is also widely used for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Alle unsere Nährmedien werden aus hochwertigen Rohstoffen hergestellt und unterliegen strengen Qualitätskontrollen; bei der Produktion kommen die aktuellen Good Manufacturing Practice-Richtlinien (GMP) zur Anwendung. Die Rohstoffe werden entsprechend den erforderlichen Standards ausgewählt. Trockennährmedien sollten, sofern nicht anders angegeben, bei 10 bis 30 °C in ihren verschlossenen Behältern in trockener Umgebung aufbewahrt werden. Eine Reihe an Nährmedien ist gemäß ISO-Normen und der international harmonisierten Pharmakopöe.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Trockennährböden werden für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen benötigt. Um die mit pulverförmigen Nährböden verbundenen Risiken zu minimieren, werden die meisten Trockennährböden von Merck in Granulatform hergestellt. Um das potentielle Risiko einer Übertragung transmissibler spongiformer Enzephalopathien (TSE) einzudämmen, verwendet Merck Grundstoffe nicht tierischen Ursprungs. Wenn dies nicht möglich ist, werden nur Substanzen eingesetzt, die vom EDQM empfohlen werden und den TSE-Kategorien B oder C angehören. Somit wird gewährleistet, dass das Produkt von höchster Qualität ist und den Standards für die Lebensmittelkontrolle, die mikrobiologische Untersuchung von Endprodukten und Rohstoffen oder die Qualitätskontrolle in der Pharma- und Kosmetikindustrie entspricht. Spezielle Nährböden können nach kundenspezifischen Vorgaben hergestellt werden. Die Zusammensetzung wird im Rahmen einer Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung vertraulich behandelt. Vorteile der granulierten Medien von Merck.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Granulierte Trockennährmedien von VWR® bieten dem Anwender viele Vorteile und mehr Sicherheit. Für eine optimale Leistung ist eine vollständige Auflösung der Nährmedien unerlässlich. Granulierte Nährmedien sind einfacher bei der Zubereitung und sparen Zeit. Darüber hinaus wird die Stauberzeugung durch die Granulierung reduziert und die Handhabung wird angenehmer und sicherer für den Anwender. Dies sorgt für eine wesentlich sauberere und sicherere Arbeitsumgebung.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Diese gebrauchsfertigen Nährmedien können überall in der Mikrobiologie eingesetzt werden. Die Medien werden aus hochwertigen Rohstoffen hergestellt. Sie werden aus ausgewählten Trocken-Grundstoffen produziert und entsprechen den verschiedensten Normen. Die Herstellung erfolgt nach den modernsten Herstellungsprozessen mit strengen Qualitätskontrollen durch qualifizierte Mikrobiologen.
Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-CY3)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-A750)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-A555)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-A680)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-A647)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-CY5)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-CY7)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-15485R-A350)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Hypermethylated in cancer (HIC-1) was originally identified as a target of p53-induced gene expression. HIC-1 is deleted in the genetic disorder Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), and the expression of HIC-1 is also frequently suppressed in leukemia and various cancers due to the hypermethylation of specific DNA regions and the resulting transcriptional silencing. These and other studies indicate that HIC-1 acts as a putative tumor suppressor protein that mediates transcriptional repression. HIC-1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and its structure is defined by five Zinc fingers and an N-terminal broad complex POZ (or BTB) domain. In several BTB/POZ containing proteins, including BCL-6 and the promyelocytic leukemia Zinc-finger (PLZF) oncoprotein, this domain interacts with the SMRT/N-CoR-mSin3A HDAC complex and is directly involved in repressing and silencing gene transcription. When this domain is deleted, as with the oncogenic PLZF-RAR chimera of promyelocytic leukemias, this transcriptional repression is attenuated. Conversely, HIC-1 does not interact with components of the HDAC complex, suggesting that HIC-1-induced transcriptional repression is unassociated with the POZ/BTB domain.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

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