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Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR® Probe qPCR Master Mix features a distinctive universal passive reference dye that is compatible with ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR instruments.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR® qPCR Master Mix features a distinctive universal passive reference dye that is compatible with ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR instruments.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR® Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit is designed to facilitate rapid, sensitive, and precise detection and quantification of various RNA sequences via hydrolysis probes. It features a distinctive universal passive reference dye that is compatible with ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR instruments.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR® Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix with UDG is designed for the detection and quantitation of RNA targets and is an ideal choice for multiplex applications. It features a distinctive universal passive reference dye that is compatible with ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR instruments.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR® One-Step RT-qPCR Kit is designed to facilitate rapid, sensitive, and precise detection and quantification of various RNA sequences via dye-based qPCR. It features a distinctive universal passive reference dye that is compatible with ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR instruments.


Beschreibung: Optimised probe-based qPCR.

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Beschreibung: Optimised and efficient cDNA synthesis and probe-based qPCR in a single tube.

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Artikel-Nr: (M01021KC)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: This kit is designed to detect the pathogen microorganism Listeria monocytogenes in food samples, after enrichment steps, according to standard microbiology procedures. It can also be used to confirm suspect colonies isolated in selective culture media.
VE: 1 * 100 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (M01010KC)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Echtzeit-PCR-Kit zur Erkennung von <i>Legionella spp.</i> in Umweltproben (ISO/TS 12869). Kit enthält alle nötigen Reagenzien für 100 Reaktionen. Dieses Produkt ermöglicht eine schnelle und effiziente Erkennung und Quantitätsbestimmung von <i>Legionella spp.</i>
VE: 1 * 100 Tests

Lieferant: Quantabio
Beschreibung: PerfeCTa® qPCR FastMix® II is an advanced qPCR reagent system for both fast and conventional PCR cycling protocols or instruments. It is a versatile and robust solution that provides the ultimate sensitivity and high PCR efficiency using a variety of fluorogenic probe chemistries, including TaqMan® hydrolysis probes. PerfeCTa® qPCR FastMix® II is provided as a 2X concentrated ready to use reaction cocktail that contains all required reaction components, except primers, probe(s), and DNA template. The light blue colour of the AccuVue™ tracer dye simplifies reaction assembly in white, or clear, plates and helps to minimise pipetting or mixing errors. It does not interfere with qPCR performance or affect the stability of the product.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Echtzeit-PCR-Kit zur Erkennung und Quantitätsbestimmung von Staphylococcus aureus <i>Salmonella spp.</i> in Nahrungsmittelproben. Kit enthält alle nötigen Reagenzien für 100 Reaktionen. Dieses Produkt ermöglicht eine schnelle und effiziente Erkennung und Quantitätsbestimmung von <i>Salmonella spp.</i>

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Lieferant: AGILENT
Beschreibung: High performance, ultra-sensitive, probe QPCR master mix reagent with high or low ROX concentration for reliable quantification across a wide range of targets and templates.

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: A qPCR master mix containing Evagreen® qPCR dye and Cheetah™ Taq hotstart DNA polymerase, suitable for qPCR using a fast cycling protocol.
Beschreibung: Optimised and efficient cDNA synthesis and probe-based qPCR in a single tube.

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Lieferant: Quantabio
Beschreibung: PerfeCTa® Multiplex qPCR SuperMix, Low-ROX ist ein zweifach konzentrierter gebrauchsfertiger Reaktionscocktails mit allen Komponenten außer Primern, Sonde(n) und Template für die Echtzeit-qPCR in Applied Biosystems 7500 oder der Echtzeit-PCR-System-Serie Stratagene MX.
Beschreibung: Optimised and efficient cDNA synthesis and probe-based qPCR in a single tube.

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