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Solid samplers collect portions of bulk goods and are suitable for use with a range of sample substrates from fine powder to coarse grain. Taking cross-sectional samples from different sample depths, the tools are manufactured for easy cleaning and sterilizing in between uses. Conical stainless steel models are ideal for cutting out samples from soft, paste-like substances such as cheese, butter, clay, loam, soap, or wax. Solid samplers are designed specifically to extract even from difficult locations.

Solid samplers collect portions of bulk goods and are suitable for use with a range of sample substrates from fine powder to coarse grain. Taking cross-sectional samples from different sample depths, the tools are manufactured for easy cleaning and sterilizing in between uses. Conical stainless steel models are ideal for cutting out samples from soft, paste-like substances such as cheese, butter, clay, loam, soap, or wax. Solid samplers are designed specifically to extract even from difficult locations.

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Beschreibung: Widely used in pharma, the PowderThief is ideal for sampling free-flowing powders.
Artikel-Nr: 300-0425
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: U-D Master is designed for sampling free flowing powders. By simply changing the sample insert cells, different volumes can be sampled.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP1230B-600
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Probenauswurfstäbe sind zum leichteren Entnehmen von Proben konzipiert.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP8570A-700
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: The Sample Lance is excellent for taking cross sectional samples of powders and some pastes.
Artikel-Nr: 300-0449
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Ideal for taking surface samples of powders and viscous materials.
Artikel-Nr: 300-0426
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Der kohäsive Mehrstufen-Probenehmer ist für die Entnahme von Querschnittsproben von kohäsiven Pulvern konzipiert.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP2210A-1500
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Der Jumbosack-Probenehmer dient zum Sampeln von großen Granulaten in Säcken.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP1309C-400
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Der Pulverprobenehmer ist speziell für große Volumina in großen Tiefen konzipiert.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP1035E-1000
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Probenehmer für Zielpunktproben von Eis, Wachs und ähnlichen Materialien.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP6000A-550
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: These samplers are meant to work from a known point within the product.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP2015A-05
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: These sack samplers are designed to take fast powder samples through the sides of sacks and bags.
Artikel-Nr: SAMP1320B-01
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Sampling Systems

Beschreibung: Chrom-Nickel-Stahl. Entwickelt zum Testen der Festigkeit und Konsistenz von Butter. Zur Verwendung in der Butterherstellungsindustrie
Artikel-Nr: 300-0146
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Stainless steel powder collector.
Artikel-Nr: GERB3125
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Chrom-Nickel-Stahl. Entwickelt für die Probennahme in kleinen Kernen und den Test der Reife von kleinen Käsen, ohne diese aufzuschneiden. Ideal zur Verwendung in der milchverarbeitenden Industrie und in Käsereien.
Artikel-Nr: 300-0144
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Three zone powder samplers.
Artikel-Nr: BELAH378290000
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP

Beschreibung: Stainless steel. This robust tool scrapes and scoops caked samples from all vessels.
Artikel-Nr: BELAF367130000
VE: 1 * 1 ST
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP