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Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Whatman PolyVENT disc filters are integral venting filters that work bidirectionally to prevent contamination from entering containers like fermentation vessels during incubation.

Artikel-Nr: (515-0113)
Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: HEPA-VENT Inline-Scheibenfilter sind praktische, leichte Einwegfilter mit hocheffizienten Glasfasermedien für maximale Partikelrückhaltung.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: MBS I is an excellent system for optimal microbiological control using membranes. The overall procedure time is reduced to a minimum. The design of the system, which consists of an electrical membrane dispenser, a funnel dispenser, and a vacuum manifold, leads to more reproducible results. All components are sold separately. The modular system provides flexibility to select the hardware and accessories that best suit the unique and varied workflows of the user.
The special sealing technique ensures easy handling and high integrity of the funnel and membrane during filtration. This keeps any cross-contamination to a minimum.

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Whatman 3-piece filter funnels from Cytiva are ideal for quick and easy filtration using high-efficiency glass microfiber filters.

Artikel-Nr: (734-1217)
Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: PP, with clear PS lid. The Whatman™ UNIPLATE collection and analysis microplates accomodate 24 well plates, have round bottom wells.
VE: 1 * 25 ST


Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Can be used for the rapid determination of pH values and has led to many applications in laboratories and industry. Available as standard or three colour ranges as rolls in a handy dispenser.
Artikel-Nr: (WHAT10534320)
Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: 903 sample collection card with four sample spots.
VE: 1 * 100 ST

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Zur Bestimmung des Erregertyps von Infektionskrankheiten und zur <i>In-vitro</i>-Prüfung ihrer Reaktion auf Antibiotika und chemotherapeutische Substanzen durch die Bestimmung der Hemmzone. Das Antibiogramm ermöglicht rationale und selektive Chemotherapie. Die Testscheiben sind mit chemotherapeutischen Substanzen überzogen, auf einem geimpften Nähragar positioniert und inkubiert. Die Größe der Hemmzone stellt einen Messwert für die Wirksamkeit der Substanzen dar.

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Ideal für Linsen und optische Flächen aus Glas, beschichtetem Glas, Quarz oder Plastik.
Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: The Whatman Mini-UniPrep Syringeless Filters combine four products into one syringeless filter solution for efficient chromatography sample preparation for a broad range of applications. They are built for fast and easy high performance liquid chromatography/ultra high performance liquid chromatography sample preparation and analysis.

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Whatman-Chromatographiepapiere werden weltweit aufgrund ihrer Reinheit, hohen Qualität und Konsistenz häufig eingesetzt. Sie bestehen aus speziell ausgewählter Cellulose und durchlaufen strenge Qualitätskontrollen, um Gleichförmigkeit innerhalb der Sorte zu gewährleisten.

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Cytiva's Whatman 603G borosilicate glass fiber thimbles with inorganic binder are flexibly designed for use in a full range of commercially available Soxhlet apparatus systems.

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Zellulosenitrat-Membranfilter, kreisförmig, flach. Diese Membran wird für die meisten Routineanwendungen empfohlen und unter streng kontrollierten Bedingungen hergestellt.

Artikel-Nr: (611-3990)
Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Cytiva's Whatman parchment weighing boats are designed so users can collect, transfer and drop both sample and weighing boat into the acid solution during a Kjeldahl analysis without influencing analytical results.
VE: 1 * 100 ST

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: 1PS phase-separating paper is a hydrophobic filter for routine solvent extraction. Within seconds it retains aqueous phases, while solvent phases flow through.

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: With less than 0,01% ash, Cytiva's Whatman Grade 589/1 filter papers can be used for the Blaine test in the cement industry and as an ash content test filter for foodstuffs.

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