Which wipe ? - a look at the different cleanroom wipes available


Tuesday, 6th September, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 am CEST (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Cleanrooms and other controlled environments require stringent control of particles, residues and micro-organisms to ensure desired product or process outcomes. Each industry has its own critical parameters: ions and particles in electronics, microbes, endotoxins and particles in life-sciences, fibres and silicone in automotive painting and graphics printing. The control of these critical parameters is very often achieved by the use of wipes, either dry or pre-saturated.

This webinar will look at the huge variety of wipes available to cleanroom users and explain the difference between substrates, manufacturing methods, surface treatments, base weight and size; and the effect this has on cleanliness and suitability of use.

For more information, please contact us at webinar@avantorsciences.com