Fallstudien zu Masterflex

OEM-Fallstudie: Verwendung eines Masterflex® Microflex® Pumpenkopfes für den Applikon® miniBio Bioreaktor
Applikon needed a very small pump head that was easy to use, accurate, and provided reproducible results. They reached out to the Masterflex® OEM team for support.

Fallstudie: Eine maßgeschneiderte Pumpenlösung für UV-Beschichtungsanlagen
How the Masterflex Custom Engineering team improved production in UV coating equipment

Fallstudie: Tangentialflussfiltration (TFF) und Repligen
How the Masterflex Custom Engineering team partnered with Repligen on Custom OEM Pump TFF Filtration System

Fallstudie: Tangerine Dreams – Bewässerung einer Zitrusplantage mithilfe von Masterflex
A citrus grove farmer finds he can banish algae with the help of a Masterflex pump.

Fallstudie: Wenn eine Diagnose entscheidend ist – Eile ist geboten, um den Betrieb am Laufen zu halten
When a customer needed a tubing order fast, team members moved into action. Their quick work prevented a production line of much-needed product from shutting down.