Anti-CELA3B Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF594) [clone: CELA3B/1218]

Lieferant: Biotium
BNC941218-500 BNC941218-100
BNC941218-500EA 560 EUR
BNC941218-500 BNC941218-100
Anti-CELA3B Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF594) [clone: CELA3B/1218]
This MAb recognizes a protein of ~17 kDa, identified as CELA3B (Chymotrypsin like elastase family member 3B). Elastases form a subfamily of serine proteases that hydrolyze many proteins in addition to elastin. Humans have six elastase genes which encode the structurally similar proteins elastase 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B. Unlike other elastases, elastase 3B has little elastolytic activity. Like most of the human elastases, elastase 3B is secreted from the pancreas as a zymogen and, like other serine proteases such as trypsin, chymotrypsin and kallikrein; it has a digestive function in theMore Product Information

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