Sie suchten nach: Chromatographie-Schläuche

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) tubing offers efficient performance at high operating pressures in exacting environments. Its ability to withstand high pressures makes it an ideal choice for capillary HPLC and LC/MS. The tubing has a very smooth inside surface for excellent flow characteristics, with a low coefficient of friction, which leads to improved reproducibility and resolution and higher efficiency. HPLC tubing can be either stainless steel or silica-lined PEEK plastic—the stainless steel variant is required for ultra high pressure applications where plastic will not work.

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) tubing offers efficient performance at high operating pressures in exacting environments. Its ability to withstand high pressures makes it an ideal choice for capillary HPLC and LC/MS. The tubing has a very smooth inside surface for excellent flow characteristics, with a low coefficient of friction, which leads to improved reproducibility and resolution and higher efficiency. HPLC tubing can be either stainless steel or silica-lined PEEK plastic—the stainless steel variant is required for ultra high pressure applications where plastic will not work.

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Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: PTFE

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: Tubings are made of 316 stainless steel.

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: 316 Stainless steel, precision bore ¹/₁₆" type tubing.

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: Precision bore PEEK tubing is designed specifically for modern LC, LCMS and automation usage.

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: 316 Stainless steel, precision bore ¹/₁₆" type tubing.

Artikel-Nr: (HICHHI-1097)
Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: The maximum operating temperature is 100 °C.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (HICHHI-171)
Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: PEEK.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BOHLR9127-04)
Lieferant: Bohlender
Beschreibung: Sammelanschluss für bis zu vier HPLC-Anlagen, der direkt in Laborabzüge oder Arbeitstische integriert werden kann. Mit Waste Pipes leiten Sie flüssige Lösemittelabfälle in angeschlossene Kanister weiter.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: SGE Analytical Science
Beschreibung: Kapillaren aus nicht-deaktiviertem Quarzglas.
Verwendung in einer Vielzahl an GC-, HPLC- und bioanalytische Anwendungen
Aus hochwertigem Quarzglas
Leitungen sind durch ein Hochtemperatur-Polyimidharz geschützt

Lieferant: Bohlender
Beschreibung: Flexibler Wellschlauch.

Artikel-Nr: (HI-259)
Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: Edelstahl, Avantor® Hichrom, Tubing, stainless steel, Ø ext.: 3,18 mm, Länge: 0,15 m
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: PEEK

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: Tubings are made of 316 stainless steel.

Artikel-Nr: (HICHHI-190)
Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: PEEK, Avantor® Hichrom, 90° Elbow
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: SGE Analytical Science
Beschreibung: Precision bore PEEK tubing is designed specifically for modern LC, LCMS and automation usage.

Lieferant: SGE Analytical Science
Beschreibung: Chromatography tubing, PEEK, PEEKsil™ capillary tubing for HPLC, LC/MS applications, Ø int.: 0,1 mm, Ø ext.: 1,59 mm, Farbe: Rot, Länge: 100 mm

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