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Its ability to selectively diffuse molecules across a semi-permeable membrane gives dialysis tubing its important place in classic laboratory technique. Dialysis is used for a wide variety of dialysis applications: desalting, buffer exchange, removal of labeling reagents, drug-binding studies, cell growth and feeding, virus purification, and blood treatment. Created from a natural source of cellulose, dialysis tubing provides a reliable source for separating molecules based on size for testing purposes, and no pre-treatment is required before use. Regenerated cellulose dialysis tubing is also available.

Its ability to selectively diffuse molecules across a semi-permeable membrane gives dialysis tubing its important place in classic laboratory technique. Dialysis is used for a wide variety of dialysis applications: desalting, buffer exchange, removal of labeling reagents, drug-binding studies, cell growth and feeding, virus purification, and blood treatment. Created from a natural source of cellulose, dialysis tubing provides a reliable source for separating molecules based on size for testing purposes, and no pre-treatment is required before use. Regenerated cellulose dialysis tubing is also available.

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Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 3,5 kD, regenerierte Cellulose.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Regenerierte Cellulose.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: KrosFlo® hollow fibre membranes for implant technology provide a true-to-life response for drug screening and cancer research. Perfectly suited for implantation, the modified Polyvinylidene Difluoride (mPVDF) hollow fibre membrane is biocompatible, resistant to cell adhesion, hydrophobic and resistant to a wide variety of organic solvents, including most aqueous acids and bases. Furthermore, these hollow fibres can be heat sealed and autoclaved without affecting the molecular weight cut off (500 kDa MWCO) or changing the membrane performance.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Disposable and ready-to-use dynamic dialysis device.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Biotech RC (Regenerated Cellulose) dialysis tubing is crafted from a regeneration process that yields superior temperature tolerances and chemical compatibilities with the same high purity and selectivity as Biotech CE. RC membrane can tolerate concentrated-weak acids & bases, dilute-strong acids and bases, most alcohols and some mild or dilute organic solvents. Exposure to strong polar or organic solvents may damage RC membranes. Use with pH 2 - 12 and temperature 4 - 60 °C.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 6 - 8 kD, regenerierte Cellulose
Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 12 - 14 kD, regenerierte Cellulose.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 12 - 14 kD, regenerated cellulose

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Spectra/Por® tubing trial kits are available in 1 and 5 m lengths. They are an excellent choice for applications that require only a small amount of dialysis tubing.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 12 - 14 kD, regenerierte cellulose.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 1 to 50 kD, hydrophilic cellulose.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: MWCO 1 - 50 kD, regenerierte Cellulose.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Designed to maximise convenience and efficiency, the ready-to-use Micro Float-A-Lyzer® is ideal for the dialysis of very small sample volumes. Available in two volume sizes, 100 to 200 μl and 400 to 500 μl, the Micro Float-A-Lyzer® features a proprietary biotech grade cellulose ester (CE) membrane incorporated into a pre-assembled, leakproof microdialysis device. Available in 7 concise MWCO’s with colour-coded caps, CE is a synthetic, low-protein binding membrane with no heavy metal and sulfide contaminants. The pre-formed tubular geometry also limits volume increase and sample dilution. The self-standing and self-floating device is designed with a Luer-lok® sample port to provide quick and easy access for loading, in-process testing and total sample recovery using a 1 ml syringe (included). Available in packs of 12, individual units can interlock to form a "flotilla" for the simultaneous dialysis of multiple samples. Only Micro Float-A-Lyzer® and Float-A-Lyzer® G2 assure a 95 to 98% sample recovery, 98% sample purity and <10% sample dilution; all in an easy to use, convenient dialysis device.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Ready-to-use laboratory dialysis devices featuring proprietary Ultra-pure Biotech Cellulose Ester (CE) Membrane. Biotech Grade CE is a low protein-binding synthetic membrane available in 9 precise MWCO's with no heavy metal and sulfide contaminants. The cylindrical tubing geometry prevents sample dilution (associated with cassette-type devices) and provides open access for total volume retrieval by pipette. Only the Float-A-Lyzer® G2 assures a 95 to 98% sample recovery while maintaining 99% sample purity and <1% sample dilution. The leakproof screw-on cap with sealing o-ring provides easy access with included pipette for loading, in-process testing and sample retrieval, without the risk of needle punctures. The included floatation ring improves sample buoyancy and vertical orientation during dialysis. The sleek design allows multiple samples to be dialysed in the same reservoir.

Lieferant: Spectrum Laboratories
Beschreibung: Hydrophiler Celluloseester.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Die Slide-A-Lyzer® G2 Dialysekassette vereint ein hohes Maß an Effizienz, Komfort und Probenschutz in einer Kassette. Das Beladen und Entfernen von Proben erfolgt ganz einfach mit einer serologischen Pipette oder einer hypodermischen Nadel, die an einer Spritze befestigt ist. Die integrierte Luftkammer sorgt während der Dialyse für den Auftrieb und die vertikale Ausrichtung der Probe.

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