Sie suchten nach: Heiz-/Kühlblöcke

The blocks for use in heaters and dry baths have a variety of well quantities to process numerous samples at once. Models safely hold test tubes, microcentrifuge tubes, vials, conical-bottom centrifuge tubes, or PCR plates, tubes and strips in close contact during the heating process for ideal heat transference. Constructed from solid, anodized aluminium, the blocks offer maximum heat retention. Interchangeable, modular blocks mix samples and may support thermometer use for easy monitoring of conditions.

The blocks for use in heaters and dry baths have a variety of well quantities to process numerous samples at once. Models safely hold test tubes, microcentrifuge tubes, vials, conical-bottom centrifuge tubes, or PCR plates, tubes and strips in close contact during the heating process for ideal heat transference. Constructed from solid, anodized aluminium, the blocks offer maximum heat retention. Interchangeable, modular blocks mix samples and may support thermometer use for easy monitoring of conditions.

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Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Reacti-Block™ aluminium blocks are available with many hole configurations, machine-drilled to accommodate almost any size Reacti-Vial™ small reaction vial, test tube or microcentrifuge tube.

Lieferant: OHAUS
Beschreibung: Plexiglass cover reduces air flow for additional temperature stability in low temperature applications.

Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: In Sekunden austauschbar. Individuell sensorgesteuerte SmartBlocks sind Ihre Lösung zur Aufrechterhaltung genauer, gleichmäßiger Temperaturen. Eine große Auswahl dieser flexiblen Thermoblöcke für alle gängigen Laborgefäße unterstützt ein breites Anwendungsspektrum – zur Verwendung mit Eppendorf ThermoMixer® C und ThermoStat C.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: OHAUS
Beschreibung: Solid blocks: For use as a low temperature hotplate or for custom drilling.

Artikel-Nr: (460-2116)
Lieferant: Cole Parmer
Beschreibung: Aus eloxiertem Aluminium; alle Blöcke außer 460-0017 und 460-0014 besitzen die Abmessungen 75×95×50 mm (B×D×H), und können beliebig kombiniert werden.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Beschreibung: Safe, fast and efficient way of heating and stirring round bottom flasks from 10 ml to 5 litres, suitable for use with all makes of hotplates with diameter up to 145 mm. Heat-On blocks replace oil baths and heating mantles, manufactured from solid aluminium they provide excellent heat transfer, prevent hotspots and avoid spills making chemistry safer. Unique well design prevents flasks cracking whilst maximising surface area contact.

Artikel-Nr: (460-1113)
Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: Blockthermostat, Block, Wechselblock für 24 Reaktionsgefäße 1,5 ml, Für: 99 °C max
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: 7009586

Lieferant: OHAUS
Beschreibung: Modular blocks are constructed from a solid anodized aluminium block. The close contact of tubes-to-block walls allow for maximum heat retention. Each block has a thermometer well for measuring block temperature.

Lieferant: Cole Parmer
Beschreibung: Turn an existing 15,2×15,2 cm hotplate into a heating mantle.

Lieferant: BIOSAN
Beschreibung: 7009586

Beschreibung: Interchangeable blocks are made of high grade, non porous, anodised aluminium. Except the blocks used for plates and slides, all other blocks include positions for a block lifter and calibration thermometer.

Lieferant: HAEP LABOR
Beschreibung: 7009586

Artikel-Nr: (ASYNADS2-2)
Lieferant: ASYNT
Beschreibung: The DrySyn® MAXI 2 L is a stand-alone 2000 ml version of the standard DrySyn MAXI Kit (which alternatively has a 3000 ml base and 2000 ml insert) which comes with heat resistant safety lifting handles.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: ASYNT
Beschreibung: Die Produktreihe der Heizblöcke DrySyn ist eine Alternative zu Ölbädern und Heizhauben. Die Systeme ermöglichen eine saubere und sichere Synthese für einzelne oder mehrfache Reaktionen.

Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: All RapidVap® Vertex™ Dry Block evaporators require a Block (not included). Blocks of solid aluminum include stainless steel handles to lift the block in and out of the evaporator. A 0,21" (0,5 cm) diameter port in the upper left hand corner of the block is provided for insertion of the temperature probe to monitor upper block temperature.

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