Sie suchten nach: Humanbiologie

Depicting functions and locations, the human biology models allow individuals a more comprehensive understanding of internal organs and systems. Blood movement, oxygen transport, muscle constriction, nerve firing, joint movement, and bone formation are brought to life in these incredibly detailed and accurate representations. Musculature models come coloured coded for easy identification of muscle, fat, ligaments, and tendons. The human biology models can be used in both educational and clinical environments.

Depicting functions and locations, the human biology models allow individuals a more comprehensive understanding of internal organs and systems. Blood movement, oxygen transport, muscle constriction, nerve firing, joint movement, and bone formation are brought to life in these incredibly detailed and accurate representations. Musculature models come coloured coded for easy identification of muscle, fat, ligaments, and tendons. The human biology models can be used in both educational and clinical environments.

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Artikel-Nr: (BREU77D16)
Beschreibung: Brush teeth is designed to demonstrate the correct tooth brushing technique.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1020172)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Stan, the standard model of a human skeleton has a very high quality and robust construction along with a stable metal hanging stand.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Reduced to the natural size, these human models keep all of the functionality.

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1000098)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Hand skeleton loosely mounted on bungy string.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1013873)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Fred bietet alle Vorteile eines Skeletts. Auch Freds biegsame Wirbelsäule kann nahezu jede menschliche Bewegung nachahmen. Einmal gebeugt, bleibt Fred in dieser Position, um richtige und falsche Körperhaltungen sowie eventuelle krankhafte Fehlstellungen darzustellen. Alle Schädelbewegungen können an den Kopfgelenken dargestellt werden. Auch hervortretende Spinalnerven und Vertebralarterien sind bei diesem Skelett zu sehen, ebenso ein dorsolateraler Bandscheibenvorfall zwischen dem 3. und 4. Lendenwirbel.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Stehendes Skelett, Basis mit 5-Füßen

Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Kopfmuskulatur

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1000131)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Specially mounted on a flexible core, adding extra stability to the spine. This spine is extremely good value and durable.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0100)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: The model shows all external structures such as blood vessels, nerves, etc. The median section shows all the structures of the head and neck. Dimensions: 22×18×46 cm.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Model of molar in the lower jaw with blood vessels and two roots. Caries attacks are inserted on the model, which is 8× life-size. 25 cm.

Artikel-Nr: (763-0169)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Model mounted on plate in life size. Shows the larynx, esophagus and trachea, heart, vena cava, aorta, large carotid artery, lungs and diaphragm.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1000143)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: This is a realistic replica of the human hyoid bone for detailed anatomy study.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0103)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: A very detailed model of the human brain which is medially divided. Both halves of this brain can be disassembled into:
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1005112)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: A pelvis of synthetic bone-like material with a highly detailed and dissectible pelvic floor in carefully coloured flexible material, comprising genitalia and associated muscles.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0104)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: The lobes of the cerebellum and cerebellum, elongated marrow and arteries with branches.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0118)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: High quality lung model with larynx.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

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