Sie suchten nach: Kationischer Standards

VWR offers a wide range of certified cationic standards designed for instrument calibration in ion-exchange chromatography (IC) applications, which can be applied toward environmental or food analysis and quality control. IC is an analytical technique used for the separation and quantification of anions and cations in aqueous samples. VWR offers high-purity, well-defined reference materials ideal for low-ppm level quantification or trace analysis. Bottles of cationic standards are available for a range of elements.

VWR offers a wide range of certified cationic standards designed for instrument calibration in ion-exchange chromatography (IC) applications, which can be applied toward environmental or food analysis and quality control. IC is an analytical technique used for the separation and quantification of anions and cations in aqueous samples. VWR offers high-purity, well-defined reference materials ideal for low-ppm level quantification or trace analysis. Bottles of cationic standards are available for a range of elements.

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Beschreibung: Potassium Standard, 1000 mg/L, Certipur®, Supelco®, Kalium, Matrix: 0,5 M HNO₃, Anwendung: AAS-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 1.70230.0100
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Manganese Standard, 1000 mg/L, Certipur®, Supelco®, Mangan, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 1.70332.0100
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Zinc Standard, 1000 mg/L, Certipur®, Supelco®, Zink, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 1.70369.0100
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Scandium Standard, 1000 mg/L, Supelco®, Scandium, Matrix: 1% HNO₃, Anwendung: AAS-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 207462-500ML
VE: 1 * 500 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Multi-Element Standard, Transition metal mix 1 for ICP, 100 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Matrix: 2% HNO₃, Anwendung: ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 04330-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Multi-Element Standard, Trace Metals AA Sample 3, Supelco®, Anwendung: Umwelt-Standards, Abwasser, AAS-Standards
Artikel-Nr: QC1287-20ML
VE: 1 * 20 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Multi-Element Standard, Titanium and Tin-WP, Supelco®, Anwendung: Umwelt-Standards, Abwasser
Artikel-Nr: QC1154-20ML
VE: 1 * 20 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Tantalum Standard, 1000 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Tantal, Matrix: 2% HNO₃/0,5% HF, Anwendung: ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 16641-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Multi-Element Standard, Periodic table mix 3 for ICP, 10 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Matrix: 5% HNO₃, Anwendung: AAS-Standards, ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 78334-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Arsenic Standard, 1 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Arsen, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: ICP-MC-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 75016-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Gold Standard, 1 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Gold, Matrix: 5% HCl /tr. HNO₃, Anwendung: ICP-MC-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 67363-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Vanadium Standard, 10000 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Vanadium, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 44712-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Multi-Element Standard, Multi-Kationen-Standard 2 für die IC, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: Ionenchromatographie-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 93159-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Molybdenum Standard, 1000 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Molybdän, Matrix: 10% HCl, Anwendung: AAS-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 67210-250ML
VE: 1 * 250 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Vanadium Standard, 1000 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Vanadium, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: ICP-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 18399-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

Beschreibung: Copper Standard, 1000 mg/L, TraceCERT®, Supelco®, Kupfer, Matrix: Salpetersäure verd., Anwendung: Ionenchromatographie-Standards
Artikel-Nr: 40786-100ML
VE: 1 * 100 mL
Lieferant: Merck

145 - 160 of 3 501