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Artikel-Nr: (KNAUA3705)
Lieferant: KNAUER
Beschreibung: EuroOsmo® 7400 is a user friendly software developed for the freezing point osmometers K-7400 and K-7400S.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: Codesoft Lite label design software can be used for asset tracking, barcode labelling, and inventory and inspection labelling applications.

Artikel-Nr: (EBRO1340-2460)
Lieferant: EBRO
Beschreibung: The easy-to-use software products are suitable for programming and read-out of Ebro® data loggers as well as for the evaluation of the measured values. For routine checks.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BECMC10574)
Lieferant: Beckman Coulter
Beschreibung: Kaluza C analysis can load any listmode file that is compliant with the FCS standard up through version 3.1.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: ECHO Revolution™, REVOLUTION Analysesoftware

Artikel-Nr: (GILI21063024)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: TRILUTION® LH provides a solution for customers using Windows 10 and is a comprehensive software package for seamless automation of all liquid handling and solid phase extraction (SPE) methods. With its intuitive interface, simple drag-and-drop method creation, and application simulation, it combines flexibility and ease of use.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: SI Analytics
Beschreibung: The TitriSoft 3.3 titration software is the optimum solution for your titration tasks. The software can be used with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and supports your daily work procedures during sample preparation, titration and evaluation of the results. The software has been developed to be clear, logical and user-friendly.

Artikel-Nr: (630-3433)
Beschreibung: The AirTeach software bundle allows users to digitally share microscopy images from various microscope sources. Students are more engaged and inspired in an interactive learning environment that makes sharing and comparing of results fun for everyone.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Testo
Beschreibung: Software, ComSoft Professional 4, Für: testo 174, testo 175, testo 176, testo 184

Artikel-Nr: (SARBYSW02)
Lieferant: Sartorius Balances
Beschreibung: Sartorius wedge ist ein Softwarepaket, das dazu dient, Daten von Sartorius Geräten in Windows-Anwendungen, insbesondere Microsoft Excel, zu erfassen.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BRDY149187)
Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: Save time and reduce errors with data Automation. By automatically importing data onto a pre-defined label template and printing to a designated printer, this app allows label printing to seamlessly become a part of your daily processes. It runs in the background so you won't have to interrupt your work just to print a label.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BRDY149191)
Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: When you need to create product-identification and wire-marking labels, the product and wire identification suite is helpful to give solution.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: Workstation print partner suite is a package of the Workstation print partner application and Advanced Import and Sequence extensions in a single bundle.

Lieferant: Beckman Coulter
Beschreibung: CytoFLEX SRT upgrade from V5-B2-Y5-R0 to V5-B2-Y5-R3, 4 active lasers (405 nm, 488, nm, 561 nm, 638 nm) and 15 fluorescence detectors

Artikel-Nr: (EBRO1340-2470)
Lieferant: EBRO
Beschreibung: Die einfach zu bedienenden Softwareprodukte eignen sich zum Programmieren und Auslesen von Ebro®-Datenloggern sowie zur Auswertung der Messwerte. Für Routinekontrollen und Validierung.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BRDY145445)
Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: Workstation lockout writer app allows you to create compliant lockout/tagout labels, tags and procedures in no time.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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