Sie suchten nach: SPE-Sorbentien

During solid phase extraction chromatography, components are separated based on physical and chemical properties. The separation effectiveness is primarily based on choosing the correct SPE sorbents to have maximum retention. Normal phase and reversed phase procedures require SPE sorbents to have a strong polarity so that non-polar compounds will pass through a cartridge or absorb to the surface. Capable of working with automatic equipment for faster results, SPE sorbents improve recovery and precision in separations.

During solid phase extraction chromatography, components are separated based on physical and chemical properties. The separation effectiveness is primarily based on choosing the correct SPE sorbents to have maximum retention. Normal phase and reversed phase procedures require SPE sorbents to have a strong polarity so that non-polar compounds will pass through a cartridge or absorb to the surface. Capable of working with automatic equipment for faster results, SPE sorbents improve recovery and precision in separations.

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Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: These cross-linking agents contain at least two reactive groups that are reactive towards numerous groups, including sulphydryls, amines and carbohydr...

Artikel-Nr: (7061-00)
Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: SPE-Sorbent für Reinigungssäulen. Geeignet für die Bestimmung des Kohlenwasserstofföl-Index gemäß ISO 9377-2 und NEN 5733.
VE: 1 * 100 g


Beschreibung: The high purity CHROMABOND® adsorbents can be used for a self-filling of SPE columns or further analytical applications.

Lieferant: Novabiochem (Part of Merck)
Beschreibung: The base resin is PEG-PS-copolymer (90 µm), functionalised with 4-hydroxy-methylpenoxyacetic acid.

Lieferant: Novabiochem (Part of Merck)
Beschreibung: H-Arg(Pbf)-HMPB NovaPEG resin, 0.20 - 0.60 mmol/g, 5 g

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: PL Cl-Trt-Cl supports peptide synthesis using the Fmoc approach. This resin can be used for the synthesis of a wide range of organic acids, and has al...

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: PL-Guanidine MP SPE, 500 mg/6 ml

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: This macroporous polystyrene product has a much higher loading compared to conventional functionalised silica SPE media and is compatible with all pol...

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: Bondesil™ C18 bulk sorbent, 40 µm

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: Strongly basic anion exchanger, Cl⁻ form. Moist, light yellow spherules.

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: Chloromethylpolystyrene known as merrifield resin, PL-CMS is a copolymer support for solid phase synthesis of peptides using Boc chemistry.

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: Aminomethylstyrene resin is a particularly versatile material suitable for the attachment of a variety of spacers, handles and linkers (for use in sol...

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: PL-Rink resin, 1% DVB, 0,3 mmol/g, 75 - 150 μm, 100 g

Artikel-Nr: (VARIPL3476-6689)
Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: PL-FMPB resin, 1% DVB, 1,4 mmol/g, 150 - 300 μm, 1 kg
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: PL-HCO₃ MP resin, 1,8 mmol/g, 100 Å, 150 - 300 μm, 1 kg

Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: SLE products use a broad-performance, inert diatomaceous earth sorbent for rapid, general sample preparation.
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