Sie suchten nach: Tischhomogenisatoren

Designed to emulsify, blend, or mix organic and inorganic materials, the bench homogenizers rapidly process multiple samples without the possibility of cross-contamination. The countertop machines are specifically engineered to prepare materials for uniformity in a wide range of blending methods. Manual or automated benchtop homogenizers have user-friendly control systems for straightforward processing. Compact units are optimized for use in small work environments that have limited surface space.

Designed to emulsify, blend, or mix organic and inorganic materials, the bench homogenizers rapidly process multiple samples without the possibility of cross-contamination. The countertop machines are specifically engineered to prepare materials for uniformity in a wide range of blending methods. Manual or automated benchtop homogenizers have user-friendly control systems for straightforward processing. Compact units are optimized for use in small work environments that have limited surface space.

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Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Lysing Matrix D is a critical component of FastPrep® sample preparation system. Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 1,4 mm ceramic spheres. Lysing Matrix D tubes have green caps and are found in the FastDNA™ Spin Kit for Plant and Animal Tissues and FastRNA™ Pro Green Kit for isolation of nucleic acids from plants and animals.
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 1,4 mm ceramic spheres, 0,1 mm silica spheres, and one 4 mm glass bead. Lysing Matrix E tubes have purple caps and found in the FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil and the FastRNA™ Pro Soil Kits. Lysing Matrix E can also be effective in lysing mixed samples, such as microbe infected tissue, and can be used in RNA extraction from tumours and other difficult tissues.
Artikel-Nr: (431-2897)
Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: Dispergiersystem mit hermetisch verschließbaren Einweg-Probenröhrchen. Schützt vor infektiösem Probenmaterial, toxischen oder geruchsintensiven Substanzen. Ideal zur Anwendung im medizinischen, pathologischen, toxikologischen, pharmazeutischen, immunologischen, veterinärmedizinischen und klinischen Bereich sowie in der Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie. Benutzerfreundliche und schnell einsetzbare Einheiten mit Blockierschutzfunktion für standardisiertes Arbeiten und Einzel- oder Reihenanwendung.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (116540425.)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Lysing Matrix B tubes are used primarily for lysis of gram positive and gram negative bacteria, and will also disrupt fungal tissue and spores
VE: 1 * 250 g

Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: The magic LAB® is a unique and multi-functional small-scale laboratory machine. It is designed for mixing, dispersing, wet milling and incorporation of powders into liquids. The magic LAB® is most frequently used for the development of new products or for optimizing of existing process techniques, particularly in the chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains one 6,35 mm diameter zirconium oxide coated ceramic grinding sphere.

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 2 mm yellow zirconia beads and 1,6 mm aluminum oxide particles.

Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: Standmodell, Volumenbereich 2 bis 50 Liter

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains one 6,35 mm, 0,25 cal stainless-steel grinding ball.
Artikel-Nr: (431-0261)
Lieferant: OHAUS
Beschreibung: The HT (High Throughput) lysing bead mill laboratory homogeniser provides efficient solutions for grinding, lysing, pulverising, mixing and homogenising in sample preparation applications.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (116984001.)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Lysing Matrix E is effective in lysing mixed samples, such as microbe infected tissue, and can be used in RNA extraction from tumours and other difficult tissues.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 2 mm glass beads and 2 mm yellow zirconium oxide beads.

Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: Standmodell, Volumenbereich von 1 - 1500 ml. Der T-18 digital Antrieb bietet einen weiten Drehzahlbereich von 3000 - 25.000 min⁻¹, wodurch Benutzer selbst bei kleinen Rotordurchmessern mit hohen Umfangsgeschwindigkeiten arbeiten können. Eine breite Auswahl an Dispergiervorrichtungen garantiert eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen.

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Lysing Matrix B is a critical component of FastPrep® sample preparation system. Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 0,1 mm silica spheres. Lysing Matrix B tubes have blue caps and are found in the FastRNA™ Pro Blue Kit and FastProtein™ Blue Matrix. The fast and easy to use protocol ensures successful lysis with even the most challenging samples for high efficiency and reliability.

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 0,5 mm diameter yttria-stabilised zirconium oxide beads.

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 1,6 mm silicon carbide particles and 2 mm glass beads.

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