Sie suchten nach: Trockenkammern

Desiccator cabinets provide dry storage for critical low-humidity environment requirements. Even the brightly colored desiccator cabinets provide interior visibility for supervising sensitive samples without exposure. Stainless steel storage cabinets may come either fixed or adjustable in different quantities. Optimum air circulation is achieved with perforated shelving. Vacuum models may include hygrometers for continual moisture monitoring. Desiccator storage cabinets must be set up, so that appropriate nitrogen flows out all moisture- and contamination-laden air. Because nitrogen has lower specific gravity than air, it is introduced into the upper section of the desiccator; the inert gas is then purged out of the bottom. While capacities and dimensions vary, the compact designs of nonelectric and automatic desiccators are easy to stack and may fit in refrigerators.

Desiccator cabinets provide dry storage for critical low-humidity environment requirements. Even the brightly colored desiccator cabinets provide interior visibility for supervising sensitive samples without exposure. Stainless steel storage cabinets may come either fixed or adjustable in different quantities. Optimum air circulation is achieved with perforated shelving. Vacuum models may include hygrometers for continual moisture monitoring. Desiccator storage cabinets must be set up, so that appropriate nitrogen flows out all moisture- and contamination-laden air. Because nitrogen has lower specific gravity than air, it is introduced into the upper section of the desiccator; the inert gas is then purged out of the bottom. While capacities and dimensions vary, the compact designs of nonelectric and automatic desiccators are easy to stack and may fit in refrigerators.

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Artikel-Nr: (BELAF420740220)
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: Secador® 4.0 auto desiccator cabinets are made from moulded Durastar® co-polyester which blocks 99% of UV light and resists staining, crazing and chemical attack.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (468-4122)
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: This clear and durable PVC desiccator cabinet has sleek black ABS accents, a horizontal profile, and movable shelves for adjusting dry storage space configuration for moisture-sensitive materials.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: These compact, high-quality vacuum desiccators with clear or amber (UV blocking) polycarbonate maintain a vacuum and stay gastight allowing reliable dry storage or experiments over extended periods.

Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: Secador® model 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 auto desiccator cabinets are made from polycarbonate, which features a UV light blocker and is resistant to staining, crazing, and chemical attack.

Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: Trockenschränke können mit Einweg- oder wiederverwendbarem Scienceware®-Trockenmittel zur sicheren Lagerung feuchtigkeitsempfindlicher Produkte verwendet werden. Trockenmittel kann auf oder unter dem perforierten Bodenregal verwendet werden. Die Türöffnung ist 11,4×22,5 cm und enthält einen Riegel und 2 Schlaufen für Plomben.

Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: Diese haltbaren Trockenkammern sind aus 6,35 mm starkem PA (Polyacryl) Kunststoff hergestellt. Die Türen bestehen aus 9,5 mm starkem PA und sorgen für einen luftdichten Abschluss durch eine entsprechende Dichtung. Sie sind mit einem Scharnierband und einem Edelstahldrehriegel ausgestattet. Erhältlich in klarem PA oder in bronzefarben.

Artikel-Nr: (BELAF420751000)
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: This dry storage cabinet is perfect for small, humidity sensitive products or materials that are always needed close to a work area.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BELAF420700000)
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: Durastar® co-polyester Secador® desiccator cabinet with a built-in suitcase style carrying handle ensures dry storage of moisture and UV sensitive products. The large door with seals maximises access to the interior space, it has tab latches and security loops for a padlock or tamper-evident seals; opens top to bottom.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (467-0004)
Lieferant: SciLabware
Beschreibung: Clear, high impact polystyrene cabinets have an airtight door with foam rubber gasket.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (SELE4000474)
Lieferant: SELECTA
Beschreibung: Der beheizte Vakuum-Exsikkator besteht aus einem Außengehäuse aus AISI 304 Edelstahl und einer polierten flachen Oberfläche aus Aluminiumlegierung mit einer effektiven Vakuumdichtung.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (SEMA3463)
Lieferant: SEMADENI
Beschreibung: Transparent PMMA cabinet that has white ABS frame and transparent PVC sides. Ideal for storing moisture sensitive samples or electronic components. Unit is not suitable for use under vacuum or pressure.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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