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Cellular assays have always been a powerful tool in the research lab. They are incredibly versatile, and can be designed to measure virtually any cellular or biochemical function. Sensitive detection of fluorescent probes aid in evaluating cell signalling and death pathways, which is useful for the rapid quantification of cell viability. Cellular assays can be used to measure the effects of different treatments on cell viability and to evaluate toxic effects mediated through a variety of mechanisms.

Cellular assays have always been a powerful tool in the research lab. They are incredibly versatile, and can be designed to measure virtually any cellular or biochemical function. Sensitive detection of fluorescent probes aid in evaluating cell signalling and death pathways, which is useful for the rapid quantification of cell viability. Cellular assays can be used to measure the effects of different treatments on cell viability and to evaluate toxic effects mediated through a variety of mechanisms.

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Lieferant: Molecular Devices
Beschreibung: QBT™ Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit is a homogeneous assay amenable to high-throughput screening. The kits deliver pre-optimized, fluorescence-based formulations to expedite assay development and screening of fatty acid transporters.

Artikel-Nr: (MLDVR8346)
Lieferant: Molecular Devices
Beschreibung: EarlyTox™ Cell Viability Assay Kits are a family of fluorescence-based reagents for the assessment of cell viability, cell proliferation, and various apoptosis events using mammalian cells. Optimised for use with microplate readers, these assay kits employ a no-wash, homogeneous assay protocol that enables characterisation of a full concentration-response profile of test compounds.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Firefly luciferase is widely used as a transcriptional reporter gene for research and drug screening. The Steady-Luc™ HTS kit can be used with luminescence plate readers without sample injection systems or for high-throughput screening.

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM500290-1)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: Phagozytose-Assay-Kit (IgG FITC) zur Identifikation von Faktoren, die <i>in vitro </i>den Phagozytose-Prozess regulieren.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM10010303-96)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: Triglyceride Colorimetric Assay Kit is a simple, reproducible and sensitive tool for assaying triglycerides in plasma, serum, cell lysates and tissue homogenate samples.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM10007889-96)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: NF-κB (p65) Transcription Factor Assay Kit is a 96-well assay for measurement of NF-κB (p65).
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: ATP-Glo™ Bioluminometric Cell Viability Assay offers a highly sensitive assay for quantifying ATP. The homogeneous assay involves a single addition of ATP-Glo™ Detection Cocktail directly to cells in culture medium.

Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: For measurement of LDH activity as an indicator of cell death.

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: Stain microtubules in live cells with green fluorescence.

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: MTT, XTT, and resazurin are reduced by mitochondrial metabolic activity to yield coloured or fluorescent products, and thus are useful for and assaying cell viability and quantitating cell number. MTT and XTT are reduced to coloured formazin salts that can be measured by absorbance. MTT generates an insoluble formazin salt, requiring cell lysis before the absorbance can be measured, while XTT does not require cell lysis for measurement. Resazurin is a non-fluorescent blue dye that is reduced to the pink fluorescent compound resorufin, which can be measured by fluorescence or absorbance.
Artikel-Nr: (ENZOALX850248KI01)
Beschreibung: The assay is designed to detect ADP/ATP ratio. The changes in ADP/ATP ratios have been used to conveniently differentiate apoptosis from necrosis.
VE: 1 * 200 Tests

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Artikel-Nr: (CAYM600020-96)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: 96-Well assay for measurement of p53.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM10006910-96)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: HIF-1α Transcription Factor Assay Kit is a sensitive, non radioactive method for detecting HIF-1α from whole cell lysates.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: CellBrite-Kits wurden für die Markierung von Zellmembranen mit einem vorgelösten Membran-Fluoreszenzfarbstoff als optimierte Färbelösung entwickelt. Durch die Kombination von CellBrite Membran-Farbstoffen ist es möglich, mehrere Zellpopulationen mit unterschiedlichen Farben zu markieren. Dies ist vor allem für die Untersuchung von Zell-Zell-Interaktionen hilfreich.
Lieferant: Biotium
Beschreibung: TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) mediated dUTP Nick-Enden-Markierung) ist hochselektiv für den Nachweis von apoptotischen Zellen, aber nicht von nekrotischen Zellen oder Zellen mit DNA-Strangbrüchen infolge von Bestrahlung oder medikamentöser Behandlung. In diesem Assay katalysiert das TdT-Enzym die Addition von markiertem dUTP an die 3'-Enden der gespaltenen DNA-Fragmente. Fluoreszenzfarbstoff-konjugiertes dUTP kann zum direkten Nachweis fragmentierter DNA durch Fluoreszenzmikroskopie oder Durchflusszytometrie verwendet werden.

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM10010721-1)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: A convenient method for the direct visualisation of S-glutathionylated proteins in whole (permeabilised) cells.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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