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98  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

Protein Extraction & Assays

Protein Extraction & Assays Featured Solutions Pierce™ Protein and Peptide Assays. Pierce™ Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit Pierce™ Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay Pierce™ Quantitative Fluorometric Peptide Assay Additional Resources Poster...


UV/VIS-Spektralphotometrie UV/VIS-Spektralphotometrie – Geräte, Küvetten und Standards für Ihre täglichen Qualitätskontroll- und F&E-Aufgaben. Produktauswahl Biophotometer Verschiedene Modelle für die schnelle und zuverlässige Bestimmung von DNA, ...


MK-SF-0002_REV01_Ultraplex_qScript_XLT1step_0918.indd Reverse Transcription For more info visit: The RT Hot Start functionality of Ultraplex improves low-copy RT-qPCR performance and enables convenient room temperature reaction s...


UV/VIS-Spektroskopie Für die UV/VIS-Analyse mit einem Spektralphotometer können verschiedene Arten von Chemikalien erforderlich sein. Zunächst wird eine spezifische Qualität von Lösungsmitteln entwickelt um optische Verunreinigungen Ihrer Probe zu...

Biotium NucView-Flyer

Live Cell Apoptosis Assays NucView® fluorogenic caspase substrates for real-time apoptosis detection in live cells NucView® caspase-3 substrates are novel fluorescent probes that allow real-time detection of caspase-3/7 activity in intact cells. T...


MK-SF-0025_REV01_PerfeCTa_Multiplex_qPCR_0918.indd PCR & qPCR For more info visit: PerfeCTa® MultiPlex qPCR ToughMix® FEATURES AND BENEFITS: 1-tube SuperMix minimizes pipetting steps simplifying reaction assembly and improving ac...

Plant genomic DNA isolation

Plant genomic DNA isolation Mag-BIND® Plant DNA DS 96 Kit The incredible diversity of the plant kingdom comes with a wide range of DNA extraction challenges. These challenges include extensive variations in plant structures and in their chemical c...

NanoDrop One

NanoDrop One NanoDrop One/Onec UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Quantify and qualify DNA RNA and protein samples with only 1-2 µL and have full-spectral data in seconds using the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One Microvolume UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Preve...


Spektralphotometer Spektralfotometer werden in vielen Forschungs- QK- und Pharma-Labors für Anwendungen in den Bereichen Chemie Biochemie Life Science Wasseranalytik sowie Lebensmittel und Getränke eingesetzt. Unsere Produkte bieten Qualität ein h...

Photometer/ Colorimeter

Photometer/ Colorimeter VWR bietet eine große Auswahl an Systemen zur Messung der verschiedenen Wasserinhaltsstoffe: Teststreifen visuelle Testsätze tragbare Kolorimeter und Photometer Tisch-Photometer und Spektralphotometer. UV/VIS-Spektralphotom...


NanoDrop NanoDrop One/Onec UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Pipette. Measure. Know. Quantify and qualify DNA RNA and protein samples with only 1-2 µL and have full-spectral data in seconds using the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One Microvolume UV-Vis spec...

~~COD Measurement in Waste Water~~

Application COD measurement in waste water (rapid-digestion method) Photometric determination of chromate consumption subsequent to digestion in 20 min Materials and reagents: Reagents Cat.No. 114560 Spectroquant® COD Cell Test measuring range 4.0...

Equipment and instruments

Equipment and instruments From top named brands to our own VWR Collection offering quality reliability and performance Analogue / digital dry block heaters Bioprocessing electrodes Hamilton / Schott Come back to work and stay healthy with our ergo...

Achieve easy, fast and reliable particle/cell size analysis with NanoCuvette™ S

Achieve easy fast and reliable particle/cell size analysis with NanoCuvette™ S Webinar Tuesday 23rd November 2021 15:30 to 16:30 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar w...

~~Phenotypic Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug effects using Automated Imaging | Molecular Devices~~

Phenotypic Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug effects using Automated Imaging | Molecular Devices Benefits • Relevance of compounds identified • Increased drug discovery success and productivity • Translational biomarkers for phenotypic screenin...


Cphnano Erweitern Sie die Funktionalität Ihres vorhandenen Spektralphotometers – digitale Laboranalyse und UV/Vis der nächsten Generation für das Labor 4.0. NanoCuvettes™ schöpfen das volle Potenzial eines Spektralphotometers aus und SpectroWorks™...
1 - 16 of 98