Fluorescent labelling reagents, CypHer5E NHS Ester

Lieferant: Cytiva

PA15401 PA15405
PA15401EA 525 EUR
PA15401 PA15405
Fluorescent labelling reagents, CypHer5E NHS Ester
Elektrophorese-Reagenzien Western Blotting Reagents

CypHer5E is a red-excitable, pH-sensitive cyanine dye derivative that is minimally fluorescent at a basic pH and maximally fluorescent at an acidic pH.

  • Generic technology can be coupled to any receptor or epitope tag antibody
  • Monitors any neutral to acidic event
  • Simple fluorescence intensity increase

It is well suited to report the movement of a receptor from the cell surface into acidic endosomes upon agonist stimulation.


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