Sie suchten nach: Western Blotting Reagents

Nucleic acids or proteins in a complex sample can be visualized using electrophoresis and blotting procedures and the compatible reagents. Improving the overall efficiency of electrophoresis systems, these reagents accommodate a variety of blotting techniques and with antibodies provided against tens of thousands of different proteins. These methods are used in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

Nucleic acids or proteins in a complex sample can be visualized using electrophoresis and blotting procedures and the compatible reagents. Improving the overall efficiency of electrophoresis systems, these reagents accommodate a variety of blotting techniques and with antibodies provided against tens of thousands of different proteins. These methods are used in the fields of molecular biology, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines.

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Artikel-Nr: (87972.260)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR®, Fixierlösung zur isoelektrischen Fokussierung auf Polyacrylamidgel
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Artikel-Nr: (3901-10VL)
Beschreibung: It contains p-Phenylenediamine diHCL (1 part) and catechol (2 parts). Commonly referred to as Hanker Yates reagent. Kit component in the Sigma Leukocyte peroxidase (myeloperoxidase) Procedure, 390A.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Artikel-Nr: (MILFWBLUM0100)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Western blotting, binding assays, amino acid analysis, N-terminal protein sequencing, dot/slot blotting, glycoprotein visualisation, lipopolysaccharide analysis.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electrophoresed on SDS-page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.

Artikel-Nr: (TB47)
Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: The subcellular fractions from liver tissue are prepared by carefully dissecting out anatomically and functionally distinct regions of adult mouse livers.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM89542-200)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: This Nitrotyrosine BSA can be used as a positive control for immunoblotting experiments using Nitrotyrosine Polyclonal Antibody and Nitrotyrosine Monoclonal Antibody.
VE: 1 * 200 µG

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Luminata™ Western HRP substrates are a family of premixed, ready to use chemiluminescent reagents for the detection of HRP-based Westerns.

Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADI9502100030)
Beschreibung: Das rote HIGHDEF® IHC-Chromogen kann in Peroxidase-basierten Immunfärbesystemen verwendet werden.
VE: 1 * 30 mL

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Beschreibung: The CYTAG™ CGH labeling kit produces high quality data for comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) using as little as 0,25 µg of genomic DNA, without a need for pre-amplification.

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Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: Ready to screen, normal tissue human cell line blots from epithelial, endothelial, skin, and muscle tissue.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Blok and luminata kit
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Immobilon® Western HRP substrates are compatible with both PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes, as well as all commonly used buffers and blocking reagents.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: The Swift™ Western Diluent is a solution that reduces the blocking and antibody incubations on Western blot membranes to <60 minutes. Swift™ Western Diluent generates comparable results to traditional Western blotting procedures and other commercial “fast” Western blotting kits.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: Single tissue and multiple species blot contains four protein lanes with an identical GenLysate™ tissue lysate from human, mouse and rat species, and a protein marker lane.

Artikel-Nr: (MILF2504)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electro-phoresed on SDS-page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.
VE: 1 * 25 mL

Artikel-Nr: (730-1510)
Lieferant: VWR Peqlab
Beschreibung: AceGlow™ Chemilumineszenzsubstrat für den Peroxidase-vermittelten Nachweis von Proteinen oder Nukleinsäuren. In 2 Varianten: AceGlow™ Essential mit einer Sensitivität bis auf 1 Picogramm und einer Signalemission von bis zu 8 Stunden - ideal für den Standard-Blot, und AceGlow™ für höchste Sensitivität bis auf 10 Femtogramm durch deutlich verstärkte und langanhaltende Lichtsignalemission (>24 Stunden).
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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