Sample clean up, PAGE-Perfect™

Lieferant: G Bioscienes

786-123 786-123T
786-123EA 635 EUR
786-123 786-123T
Sample clean up, PAGE-Perfect™
Elektrophorese-Reagenzien Western Blotting Reagents

Many lysis buffers and reagents used in sample preparation are incompatible with routinely used electrophoretic analysis. The presence of contaminants, or interfering agents, such as salts, acids, bases and detergents, result in band distortion and poor protein resolution. As a result, SDS-PAGE gels are hard to analyse and lack reproducibility. PAGE-Perfect™ is a simple, two-step method for concentrating, cleaning and preparing protein solutions for running publication quality gels.

  • Removes electrophoresis interfering agents, including detergents, salts, chaotropes, reducing agents and sugars
  • Concentrates and cleans dilute (>1 ng/ml) protein samples
  • Increases gel quality and reproducibility
  • Protein recovery >99%
  • Process up to 50×1 to 100 µl protein samples


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