Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay Kits - Reducing Agent Compatible

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific

23250 23252
PIER23250EA 328 EUR
PIER23250 PIER23252
Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay Kits - Reducing Agent Compatible
Tests Proteintests

This BCA Protein Assay Kit - Reducing Agent Compatible enables the measurement of protein concentration in samples that contain thiol-reductants dithiothreitol (DTT) and 2-mercaptoethanol (BME).

  • Compatible - assay samples that contain up to 5 mM DTT, 35 mM BME, or 10 mM TCEP
  • BCA technology - only a slight modification of the standard BCA Protein Assay protocol (15 minute incubation with Compatibility Reagent); no precipitation steps required
  • Small samples - requires only 25 µl (standard kit) or less than 10 µl (microplate kit) of sample
  • Colorimetric - measure with a standard spectrophotometer or plate reader (562 nm)
  • Excellent uniformity - exhibits less protein-to-protein variation than dye-binding methods
  • High linearity - linear working range for BSA equals 125 to 2000 µg/ml

Lieferumfang: BCA Protein Assay Kit - RAC contains sufficient reagents for 250 tube assays with 25 µl samples; BCA Reagent A, 250 ml; BCA Reagent B, 25 ml; Compatibility Reagent, 10×20 mg; Reconstitution Buffer, 15 ml; Albumin Standard Ampoules, 2 mg/ml, 10×1 ml. Microplate BCA Protein Assay Kit - RAC contains sufficient reagents for 980 microplate assays with 9 µl samples; BCA Reagent A, 250 ml; BCA Reagent B, 25 ml; Compatibility Reagent, 48×10 mg; Reconstitution Buffer, 15 ml; Albumin Standard Ampoules, 2 mg/ml, 10×1 ml; 96-well microplates, 20 plates.


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