Alkaline Phosphatase (APP) Chromogen Substates for IHC

Lieferant: Vector Laboratories

SK-5100 SK-5200 SK-5300 SK-5400 SK-5105
Alkaline Phosphatase (APP) Chromogen Substates for IHC
Elektrophorese-Reagenzien Western Blotting Reagents

Vector Laboratories alkaline phosphatase (AP) substrate options include standard substrates and ImmPACT substrates with higher sensitivity. The range of vibrant colors facilitates multiplex staining and improved contrast with pigmented tissues and counterstains.

  • Optimised for IHC, ICC, ISH and blots
  • Stock solutions are supplied in convenient dropper bottles for greater ease of handling
  • Compatible with either VectaMount Permanent Mounting Media (H-6000) or VectaMount AQ Aqueous Mounting Media (H-5501)
  • One year expiry date

For immuno-visualisation experiments to be successful, one needs proper sample prep, a well-targeted primary anybody, an effective secondary antibody-based detection system and a high-quality chromogenic substrate. Vector Laboratories has decades of experience offering exceptional staining systems and substrates.

Standard substrates provide exceptional value and convenience over substrates in the form of powders or pills and work well for higher-abundance targets. Vector Laboratories ImmPACT substrates offer up to five times higher sensitivity with convenient handling and are ideal for detecting lower-abundance targets.


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