TriLink® CleanCap® Reagent AG

Lieferant: TriLink BioTechnologies

N-7113-10 N-7113-1 N-7113-5 N-7113-100
SOLUN-7113-10EA 1070 EUR
SOLUN-7113-10 SOLUN-7113-1 SOLUN-7113-5 SOLUN-7113-100
TriLink® CleanCap® Reagent AG
Nukleinsäure-Reagenzien RNA Synthese und Transkription

CleanCap® Reagent AG is TriLink’s patented co-transcriptional capping reagent for in vitro transcription of 5’ capped mRNA resulting in a Cap 1 structure. CleanCap has shown to provide up to 98% capping efficiency.

  • Grade: RUO

PLEASE NOTE: CleanCap Reagent AG requires an AG initiator. To learn more, please review the Product Insert.

Bitte beachten Item will be delivered at or below –20 °C and should be stored at or below –20 °C.


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