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Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Luminata™ Western HRP substrates are a family of premixed, ready to use chemiluminescent reagents for the detection of HRP-based Westerns.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Blok and luminata kit
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: The Swift™ Western Diluent is a solution that reduces the blocking and antibody incubations on Western blot membranes to <60 minutes. Swift™ Western Diluent generates comparable results to traditional Western blotting procedures and other commercial “fast” Western blotting kits.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: The Visualizer Western Blot Detection kit is designed for the sensitive detection of proteins in chemiluminescent Western blots.

Lieferant: Molecular Devices
Beschreibung: The ScanLater™ Western Blot Assay Kits are a time-resolved fluorescence (TRF)-based assay, optimal for quantitating as little as femtogram protein samples.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Immobilon® Block Noise cancelling reagents are designed especially for Western blotting applications. This family of protein-free, ready-to-use buffers has been optimised to reduce background levels when using chemiluminescence, fluorescent, or phosphotyrosine detection.

Artikel-Nr: (MILFWBLUM0100)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Western blotting, binding assays, amino acid analysis, N-terminal protein sequencing, dot/slot blotting, glycoprotein visualisation, lipopolysaccharide analysis.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (MILF2060)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electro-phoresed on SDS page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Immobilon® Western HRP substrates are compatible with both PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes, as well as all commonly used buffers and blocking reagents.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: Western ReProbe™ is a single component system that is specifically formulated to dissociate and remove antibodies from membrane-bound proteins without destroying the antigenic binding affinity. Western ReProbe™ also enables the ability to reuse Western blots.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: SWIFT™ transfer pads are treated with a proprietary electrolyte buffer to enhance Western blot transfer efficiency.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Western blotting is a commonly used technique for studying protein function and localisation. Typically, protein samples are electrophoresed on SDS-page and transferred to a membrane such as nitrocellulose or nylon, where they are probed with specific antibodies. Unlike nucleic acid based technologies, which allow reuse of southern and northern blots, it has been difficult to reuse western blots.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Chemiluminescent HRP detection reagent for use on immunoblots, Western blotting, dot/slot blotting.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: This blot contains two protein lanes, a protein marker lane and a lane with one GenLysate™ sample. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane using Western Transfer Buffer. The blots are ready to be blocked and probed with the antibodies of choice.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: This blot contains two protein lanes, a protein marker lane and a lane with one GenLysate™ sample. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane using Western Transfer Buffer. The blots are ready to be blocked and probed with the antibodies of choice.

Lieferant: Rockland Immunochemicals
Beschreibung: These accurate and sensitive kits are ideal for Western blotting or dot blotting methods. They offer flexibility with two unique substrates: Bright Blue TMB substrate and Stable Brown DAB substrate. Components are colour-coded for error-free results. With MaxTag™ you can run up to 40 (10×10cm) immunoblots.

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