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Artikel-Nr: (GLCL780-HD2-700)
Lieferant: Stirling Ultracold
Beschreibung: The High-Density 700-Box storage rack is a perfect solution for laboratories and biorepositories with limited space who want to expand biological sample inventories without new construction. When used in conjunction with the upright model freezer, you can get 35 to 70% more ULT sample storage from your limited floor space.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (OXNTEXP-NBA114)
Lieferant: Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Beschreibung: This expansion is recommended for users who want to make use of unused barcodes to maximise the use of their Native Barcoding Kits.

Artikel-Nr: (TEST0563.1625)
Lieferant: Testo
Beschreibung: Relative Luftfeuchte und Lufttemperatur sind zwei entscheidende Faktoren zur Beurteilung von Raumluftqualität und Behaglichkeit. Wenn Sie also sicherstellen wollen, dass sich Menschen in Innenräumen wohlfühlen oder optimale Bedingungen in Lagerräumen herrschen, ist das kompakte Thermohygrometer testo 625 die optimale Wahl. Um möglichst schnell und einfach präzise Ergebnisse zu erhalten, berechnet das testo 625 nicht nur Taupunkt und Feuchtkugeltemperatur automatisch. Auch der zeitliche und der punktuelle Mittelwert werden sofort angezeigt.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (720-1692)
Beschreibung: The oral fluid twist test detects several drugs simultaneously. Simply collect the saliva with the swab, push down into the sample well and twist to secure. After one minute twist the sample well to introduce the saliva to the test area. Results are then readable in under nine minutes or as soon as negative lines appear. Oral fluid is the preferred medium to test when you are wanting to detect drug impairment.
VE: 1 * 25 ST

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: Tuttnauer's ML laboratory line of semi-automatic, electro-mechanically controlled, vertical steam sterilizers provide safe, economical and effective sterilization. The semi-automatic laboratory autoclave series is an affordable sterilizer for laboratories that do not want to compromise on quality, safety and reliability and need to sterilize loads with low sensitivity. The semi-automatic series is available in vertical or benchtop models and in chamber sizes ranging from 23 to 160 litres. The ML models have a semi-automatic control panel, ML models have a manual control panel. The chamber is constructed of long lasting 316L grade stainless steel with superior corrosion resistance. The generator is made from stainless steel.
Sterilisation applications: Lliquids such as nutrient media and buffer solutions, solid items such as pipettes, tubes and filters, glassware and plastic articles.

Lieferant: KNAUER
Beschreibung: Das Knauer Prep LC Premier System ist ein sehr flexibles präparativen Chromatographie System, optimiert für Ihre Synthese- und Reinigungsaufgaben. Das modular aufgebaute System kann leicht an Ihre Applikation und Ansprüche angepasst werden. In der Regel wird die Clarity Prep Software von Dataapex zur Steuerung eingesetzt, ideal für präparativen Arbeit in einem modernen Labor. Um Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick zu geben haben wir 5 fertige Pakete erstellt. Diese Pakete sind der erste Schritt zu Ihrem individuellen Prep LC Premier System.

Lieferant: AB SCIEX
Beschreibung: The 3500 Triple Quad system offers productivity, reliability, and robustness in a modernised entry-level mass spec for today’s analytical laboratories. The Triple Quad 3500 system offers the speed and precision you want from a modern mass spec system, with the legendary performance and dependability you trust from SCIEX technology.

Lieferant: WTW
Beschreibung: Das inoLab® Multi 9310 ist hervorragend für alle Labore geeignet, die eine vollständige Dokumentation benötigen oder die effizientesten, fehlerfreien Messverfahren einsetzen möchten. Mit einem digitalen Eingang zur Messung von einem Parameter (pH/Leitfähigkeit/gelöster Sauerstoff).

Artikel-Nr: (CORN4069)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: The Lambda plus starter kit is designed for laboratories which are about to replace their old set of pipettors, and for customers who want to get a new set of pipettors which cover the most commonly used volumes.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (705-0023)
Lieferant: BEHR
Beschreibung: The behrotest® universal analytical DET system is a flexible modular system designed for laboratories with frequently changing applications who do not want to invest in dedicated complete apparatus for each application. The system has a core or basic unit to which application specific supplementary/expansion sets can be added. The expansion kits comprise typically of the additional specific glassware and gas flow connections.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Ideal solutions for small to large capacity collection. Gilson offers advanced solutions for fraction collection with a complete line of stand‑alone and software-controlled fraction collectors ranging from small footprint to large vessel capacity models. The built-in, easy-to-use keypad makes setup and operation simple and capable of interfacing with any HPLC system or control the system through your PC with TRILUTION® LC software.

Artikel-Nr: (BECMB77584)
Lieferant: Beckman Coulter
Beschreibung: Fixed-angle rotors feature a medium pathlength, a fast run time and excellent resolution.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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Beschreibung: Economical solution for light applications.

Artikel-Nr: (115-2983)
Lieferant: GOJO Industries - Europe Ltd
Beschreibung: Außergewöhnlich milde, parfümfreie Hand-Schaumseife.
VE: 1 * 2 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: The unique lock rail system allows panel door to be closed even when lockouts are in place and accommodates multiple locks, eliminating the need for hasps during group lockouts.

Artikel-Nr: (LIEBMRFVD4011)
Lieferant: Liebherr
Beschreibung: Digital temperature display: Maintenance free and accurate - easily take accurate temperature readings of the set temperature using the digital temperature display.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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