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Artikel-Nr: (71115-4)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: RiboJuice™ siRNA Transfection Reagent delivers siRNA into a wide range of mammalian cell lines for targeted gene suppression. It is compatible with GeneJuice® Transfection Reagent for cotransfection of siRNA and plasmid DNA for normalising transfection efficiency with a reporter gene.
VE: 1 * 1 mL

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: rLysozyme™ solution contains a highly purified and stabilised recombinant lysozyme that can be used for lysis of gram negative bacteria, such as <i>E. coli</i>.

Artikel-Nr: (69772-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: pET-24(+) is a transcription vector designed for expression from bacterial translation signals carried within a cloned insert. It lacks the ribosome binding site and ATG start codon present on the pET translation vectors. A C-terminal His·Tag® sequence is available
VE: 1 * 10 µG

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: Premixed 2X KOD Hot Start PCR components for convenience and reproducibility.

Artikel-Nr: (71975-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: KOD Xtreme™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase is an ultra high fidelity DNA polymerase designed for the most challenging PCR applications, including crude sample PCR, amplification of long strand and highly GC-rich DNA templates.
VE: 1 * 200 LE

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: Molecular size markers for routine use in plasmid cloning, the Perfect DNA™ markers contain sets of DNA species having convenient, easy-to-remember sizes for agarose gel analysis. The markers have uniform band intensities except for the indicated reference bands, which are useful for instant band identification.

Artikel-Nr: (69078-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: The Perfect Protein™ HRP Western Blot Kit includes an HRP or AP conjugate in addition to Perfect Protein™ Western markers.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: Proteinase K

Artikel-Nr: (72158-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: The Novagen® BacMagic™-2 transfection kit provides a positive selection for creating baculovirus recombinants in preparation for recombinant protein expression in insect cells. The kit improves on the traditional method for generating recombinant baculoviruses by eliminating the tedious, time-consuming steps of plaque purification.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (71007-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: Der NovaTaq PCR MasterMix ist eine gebrauchsfertige, 2-fach konzentrierte Mischung aus NovaTaq DNS-Polymerase, ultrareinen Desoxynukleotiden und einem Reaktionspuffer ohne Magnesiumchlorid. Der MasterMix erleichtert die Vorbereitung von PCR Reaktionen und bietet die folgenden Vorteile: Zeitersparnis, Konsistenz und minimales Kontaminationsrisiko. Fügen Sie einfach den NovaTaq PCR MasterMix zu einem gleichen Volumen mit den erforderlichen Mengen an Magnesiumchlorid, DNS-Template und Primern hinzu, und die Reaktion ist zum Thermocycling bereit. Die fertig verdünnte Reaktion enthält 2,5 Einheiten NovaTaq DNS-Polymerase pro 100 µl. In der Lieferung sind genug Komponenten für 200 standardmäßige 50-µl-Amplifizierungsreaktionen (bzw. 100×100 µl) enthalten.
VE: 1 * 250 EU

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: D-Tube96™ Dialysers allow convenient, high throughput dialysis of 96 samples simultaneously. The device features the advantages of the D-Tube™ Dialyzer Mini in a 96-tube format. D-Tube Dialysers are easy to handle tubes with dual membranes providing a large surface area for fast, efficient dialysis. The membrane is ultra clean, EDTA-treated, regenerated cellulose that is sulfur and heavy metal-free.

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: BugBuster® Plus Lysonase™ includes BugBuster Protein Extraction Reagent and Lysonase Bioprocessing Reagent, an optimised, ready-to-use blend of rLysozyme™ and Benzonase® Nuclease in a single kit. This powerful combination of two reagents allows maximum recovery of active soluble protein from both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The BugBuster® and rLysozyme™ efficiently lyse the bacterial cells while the Benzonase® degrades nucleic acids to facilitate downstream processing. Requires 5 ml BugBuster and 10 µl Lysonase per 1 g cell paste. The kits provide sufficient reagents for protein extraction from 20 g or 100 g cell paste.

Artikel-Nr: (69750-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: The pET-24a-d(+) vectors carry an N-terminal T7-Tag® sequence plus an optional C-terminal His-Tag® sequence. These vectors differ from pET-21a-d(+) only by their selectable marker (kanamycin vs ampicillin resistance).
VE: 1 * 10 µG

Artikel-Nr: (69704-4)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: S-protein agarose specifically retains STag™ fusion proteins. The capacity of S-protein agarose varies and is based on the size and folding characteristics of a given target protein.
VE: 1 * 10 mL

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: The pSTBlue-1 AccepTor™ vector kits are designed to simplify the PCR cloning process by using non-proofreading thermostable DNA polymerases (eg. KOD XL polymerase and native and recombinant <i>Taq</i> polymerases), which leave single 3'-dA overhangs on the reaction products. The AccepTor™ vectors enable direct ligation by virtue of single 3'-dU overhangs that anneal efficiently with 3'-dA extensions on PCR products. The dU residues are converted to dT residues<i> in vivo</i> following transformation.

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: BugBuster® HT Protein Extraction Reagent combines BugBuster® Protein Extraction Reagent and Benzonase® Nuclease in one convenient reagent. BugBuster® HT eliminates common bioprocessing problems resulting from traditional cell lysis procedures. Soluble proteins are gently extracted from <i>E. coli</i> without exposure to heat or oxidative damage and viscosity is eliminated by nucleic acid digestion in a single step. The resulting protein extract can easily be fractionated by conventional purification techniques. BugBuster HT is ideally suited for application in high throughput protein purifications.

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