Sie suchten nach: Atemschutzmasken gegen Partikel

Disposable respirators are designed to provide reliable protection while maintaining a lightweight, secure fit with comfort features. These respirators provide comfortable protection against certain solid and liquid particles, and certain models provide an exhalation valve to reduce heat and humidity build-up inside the respirator. Filtration efficiency differs between models, with minimums rated for meeting OSHA regulations set at those specific levels for protection against solid and liquid aerosols. Resistance to oils depends on selected model. Air-purifying respirators filter airborne particles and helps control and prevent disease and can be used in any working environment.

Disposable respirators are designed to provide reliable protection while maintaining a lightweight, secure fit with comfort features. These respirators provide comfortable protection against certain solid and liquid particles, and certain models provide an exhalation valve to reduce heat and humidity build-up inside the respirator. Filtration efficiency differs between models, with minimums rated for meeting OSHA regulations set at those specific levels for protection against solid and liquid aerosols. Resistance to oils depends on selected model. Air-purifying respirators filter airborne particles and helps control and prevent disease and can be used in any working environment.

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Artikel-Nr: (111-0718)
Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Die Maske im dreiteiligem Design passt zu einer Vielzahl von Gesichtsformen und -größen. Sie passt sich optimal der Gesichtsbewegung an.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Diese Masken schützen vor Partikeln, Staub und Aerosolen. Gegen nicht-toxische bis gering toxische feste und flüssige Aerosole.
Artikel-Nr: (111-2586)
Lieferant: JSP
Beschreibung: Geformte Einweg-Atemschutzmaske mit komfortabler Schaumstoffeinfassung, verstellbarem Nasensteg und Vier-Punkt-Gurt und Ausatemventil.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Lieferant: JSP
Beschreibung: The SpringFit™ fold flat disposable mask achieves an unrivalled secure fit with the use of a unique endoskeleton structure. SpringFit™ introduces an abundance of features that maximise fit, comfort, compatibility, and performance.

Lieferant: JSP
Beschreibung: A range of polypropylene moulded disposable respirators, available in valved and unvalved options, offering a cost effective solution.

Lieferant: JSP
Beschreibung: Vertikal flach gefaltete Atemschutzmaske mit schaumstoffgepolstertem, verstellbarem Nasensteg und erweitertem Kinnschutz.

Artikel-Nr: (111-0451)
Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Das robuste Schalen- und Muscheldesign der Maske passt sich den meisten Gesichtsformen und -größen gut an und behält seine Form während der Verwendung bei. Die konvexe Form, der Nasenbügel und die doppelte Bebänderung sorgen für die ausgezeichnete Passform.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: The 3M™ Aura™ Health Care Particulate Respirators provide effective respiratory protection for use in medical environments where health care workers will be exposed to airborne dust particles, non-volatile liquid particles and bioaerosols. These respirators limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients and are suitable for use during surgical procedures and certain other medical procedures. These products also offer resistance to penetration of splashes of liquid.

Lieferant: JSP
Beschreibung: A range of vertical fold-flat disposable masks with unique bi-directional filter material, allowing freedom of movement and easy communication.

Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: The 3M™ Aura™ Health Care Particulate Respirators provide effective respiratory protection for use in medical environments where health care workers will be exposed to airborne dust particles, non-volatile liquid particles and bioaerosols. These respirators limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients and are suitable for use during surgical procedures and certain other medical procedures. These products also offer resistance to penetration of splashes of liquid.

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Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Die Aura™ Partikelmaske Serie 9300+Gen3 ist die dritte Generation der meistverkauften flach faltbaren 3M™ Aura™ Atemschutzmaske.

Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: 3M™ Aura™ Particulate Respirators 9300+ Series has an ergonomic, flat-fold, 3-panel design featuring a low breathing resistance filter media. Available in FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 protection levels, and with valved and unvalved models, these respirators feature an innovative chin tab for easy adjustments and an embossed, sculpted upper panel to help reduce eyewear fogging.
Artikel-Nr: (111-1525)
Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Diese Atemschutzmaske ist eine innovative Kombination aus Personalschutz (Atemschutzmaske) und Patientenschutz (OP-Maske).
VE: 1 * 8 ST

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWP301WHR)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Disposable FFP3-mask consists of a PP substrate to which a laminated microporous polyethlene film is applied (PP/PE). The outer layer of fabric prevents the passage of liquid molecules inwards yet permits the vapour molecules that build up inside to pass through.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Die konvexe Form der Masken, die Doppelbebänderung, der gepolsterte Nasenbereich und der Alu-Nasenbügel garantieren eine gute Gesichtsabdeckung für zahlreiche Gesichtsgrößen.
Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Diese Produktreihe bietet leichten, effektiven, komfortablen und hygienischen Schutz vor Staub und Aerosolen.

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