Sie suchten nach: Extraktionspuffer

Extraction buffers are provided ready to use and are effective in the isolation of total RNA and other proteins, improving protein yields and sample complexity from cells and tissues. Optimized extraction reagents enhance protein extraction in native or denaturing buffers compatible with downstream analytical techniques. An appropriate buffer solution added to a protein mixture during the extraction process can help improve the stability of protein molecules as these molecules are subjected to various forces designed to isolate them for study.

Extraction buffers are provided ready to use and are effective in the isolation of total RNA and other proteins, improving protein yields and sample complexity from cells and tissues. Optimized extraction reagents enhance protein extraction in native or denaturing buffers compatible with downstream analytical techniques. An appropriate buffer solution added to a protein mixture during the extraction process can help improve the stability of protein molecules as these molecules are subjected to various forces designed to isolate them for study.

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Artikel-Nr: (LONZBP10-548E)
Lieferant: LONZA
Beschreibung: Ammonium-Chloride-Potassium (ACK) Lysing Buffer is used to lyse red blood cells in preparations containing white blood cells.
VE: 1 * 100 mL

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Beschreibung: BugBuster® 10X is a concentrated formulation of the proprietary detergents employed in BugBuster® without the addition of salts or buffer components. Concentrated BugBuster® provides a flexible alternative to the ready-to-use standard 1X BugBuster®, allowing user-defined dilution and addition of buffer components. BugBuster® 10X has all of the bioprocessing benefits of standard BugBuster® plus the freedom to control pH, reagent concentration, and buffer additives necessary for maximum extraction and activity of your target protein.

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: A complete lysis buffer for the release of cytoplasmic, membrane and nuclear proteins from adherent and suspension cultured mammalian cells. The RIPA lysis buffer is fully compatible with many applications, including reporter assays, protein assays, immunoassays and other protein purification techniques.

Artikel-Nr: (28-9435-22)
Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Efficient cell lysis and protein extraction are key steps for achieving high-quality results in downstream applications. The 2-D protein extraction buffer trial kit is designed for those who experiment for establishing a suitable extraction and solubilization buffer for their protein samples.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (CSPL-1000)
Lieferant: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beschreibung: Component of the Mag-Bind® plant DNA 96 plus kit.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (DIAS125809990338)
Beschreibung: For use with glucose Gluc-DH FS and glucose Gluc-DH FSC.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Lieferant: STEMCELL Technologies
Beschreibung: EasySep™-Puffer zur Lyse roter Blutkörperchen ist gemäß Anleitung mit EasySep™- oder RoboSep™-Vollblutkits zur Lyse roter Blutkörperchen vor der Trennung vom Vollblut zu verwenden.

Lieferant: STEMCELL Technologies
Beschreibung: Ammoniumchloridlösung wird zur Lyse roter Blutkörperchen (RBCs) in Präparationen peripherer Blut-, Milz- oder Knochenmarkzellen von Menschen und Mäusen empfohlen. Sie ist gepuffert und optimiert für eine schonende Lyse von Erythrozyten mit minimaler Auswirkung auf Leukozyten. Sie enthält kein Fixiermittel, daher sind Leukozyten nach der RBC-Lyse lebensfähig.

Lieferant: QIAGEN
Beschreibung: For purification of archive-quality DNA from a wide range of sample types.

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