Sie suchten nach: Glasflaschen

Having exceptional versatility in usage, the glass bottles have strong resistance to successfully contain any solid, liquid, or powdered specimens and samples. With complete clarity, the vessels permit personnel to constantly monitor filled levels. Easy-to-use designs make them fit in with any setup or procedure. Amber glass bottles provide excellent UV protection for the contents. Constructed of the best material grade, the glass bottles often feature a wide-mouthed design for the efficient addition and removal of materials. VWR offers a wide variety of products with high quality glass and that comes in various shapes and sizes.

Having exceptional versatility in usage, the glass bottles have strong resistance to successfully contain any solid, liquid, or powdered specimens and samples. With complete clarity, the vessels permit personnel to constantly monitor filled levels. Easy-to-use designs make them fit in with any setup or procedure. Amber glass bottles provide excellent UV protection for the contents. Constructed of the best material grade, the glass bottles often feature a wide-mouthed design for the efficient addition and removal of materials. VWR offers a wide variety of products with high quality glass and that comes in various shapes and sizes.

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Lieferant: BURKLE
Beschreibung: Borosilikatglas, klar.

Artikel-Nr: (SCOT219900701)
Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: HPLC 2000-ml-Reservoirflasche mit zwei GL 45-Einlässen.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: RIXIUS
Beschreibung: Klarglas, für Bügelverschluss

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, Borosilikatglas 3.3, klar, ohne Schraubverschluss.

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, Borosilikatglas 3.3, klar, mit PP-Schraubverschluss und Ausgießring.

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Graduated, manufactured from DURAN® borosilicate glass 3.3. DURAN® is a neutral glass, classified as a Glass Type I according to USP <660>, EP (3.2.1) and JP <7.01>, and meets ASTM E438, Type I, Class A requirements.

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Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN® Original GL laboratory bottles have become the gold standard of multifunctional laboratory bottles since their introduction in 1972. The protect safety-coated version of the bottles combining the best of both worlds: virtually inert USP/EP Type I borosilicate glass 3.3 glass on the inside and a protective safety plastic layer on the outside.

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Lieferant: Bohlender
Beschreibung: Laborglasflasche aus Borosilikatglas inklusive Verschlusskappe und Ausgießring aus PP.

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, borosilicate glass 3.3, clear or brown, with standard ground joint, without stopper.

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Multi-functional glass wide mouth laboratory bottles with protective safety coating.

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Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Probenflaschen aus Natronkalkglas mit LDPE Schnappdeckeln.

Lieferant: RIXIUS
Beschreibung: Klares oder braunes Glas mit oder ohne schwarzem PP-Verschluss.

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, Borosilikatglas 3,3, braun, mit blauem PP-Schraubverschluss.
Lieferant: RIXIUS
Beschreibung: Kalknatronglas, braun.

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, Borosilikatglas 3.3, klar.

Lieferant: RIXIUS
Beschreibung: Klarglas mit Gewinde

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