Sie suchten nach: PCR-Arbeitsstationen und -Abzüge

Facilitating polymerase chain reaction experiments, PCR workstation enclosures provide the contamination-free environment required for the most sensitive DNA segment detection. Used routinely in molecular biology laboratory testing, the safety glass sash gives maximum optical abilities to handlers when amplifying cellular components. Air quality is sustained with the circulators and filters to guarantee particulates that could impact conclusions are not present. The PCR workstation enclosures emit intense UV light in timed increments between uses for easy sterilization.

Facilitating polymerase chain reaction experiments, PCR workstation enclosures provide the contamination-free environment required for the most sensitive DNA segment detection. Used routinely in molecular biology laboratory testing, the safety glass sash gives maximum optical abilities to handlers when amplifying cellular components. Air quality is sustained with the circulators and filters to guarantee particulates that could impact conclusions are not present. The PCR workstation enclosures emit intense UV light in timed increments between uses for easy sterilization.

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Artikel-Nr: (732-2840)
Lieferant: VWR Peqlab
Beschreibung: Die VWR® PCR Workstation ist ein PCR-Gehäuse für die PCR-Probenvorbereitung und andere sensible Verfahren. Ihre UV-Inaktivierung von luftgetragenen und oberflächengebundenen Schadstoffen bietet eine doppelte Dekontaminationswirkung und stellt daher eine ideale PCR-Umgebung dar. Das Edelstahlgehäuse, Vorder- und Seitenwände aus 8-mm-Makrolon® schützen vor UV-Strahlung.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (732-3407)
Lieferant: VWR Peqlab
Beschreibung: Die PCR Workstation Pro bietet doppelten Kontaminationsschutz durch UV-Inaktivierung von Schadstoffen in der Luft und auf Oberflächen und stellt somit einen idealen Arbeitsplatz für die PCR-Probenvorbereitung und andere kontaminationssensitive Arbeiten dar. Zusätzlich ermöglicht der HEPA-Filter mit UV eine Barriere gegen Staub, Bakterien und Sporen.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (ERLAAE206Z00011C21)
Beschreibung: Designed to perform non-pathogenic handlings, these enclosures has been created for handlings involving a high sample cross contamination risk such as sample preparations before thermocycling, Post PCR DNA sequencing revelation / separation, in vitro fertilization, cellular cultures, vegetal biology, preparation of sterile solutions.
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VE: 1 * 1 ST

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Artikel-Nr: (461-0826)
Beschreibung: Advanced benchtop UV cabinet providing aseptic conditions for a variety of biomedical and biochemical procedures. The large capacity stainless steel UV cabinet with additional space for equipment and accessories allows more comfortable and convenient working in PCR working. With dual UV lamp protection.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (461-0822)
Beschreibung: Advanced benchtop UV cabinets providing aseptic conditions for a variety of biomedical and biochemical procedures. Innovative dual UV system: built-in UV-air recirculator provides constant decontamination of the air volume within the cabinet while working and traditional surface UV decontamination while the door is closed.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (461-0824)
Beschreibung: Advanced benchtop UV cabinet providing aseptic conditions for a variety of biomedical and biochemical procedures. The economy bench model is dedicated to the protection against contamination during a variety of DNA/RNA procedures, with dual UV lamp protection.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (LBCP3970325)
Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: Filtered PCR Enclosures direct HEPA-filtered air downward over the work area to provide ISO Class 5 conditions and protect your work from particulate contamination. These specialized vertical clean benches provide a controlled environment in which to perform polymerase chain reaction experiments. These enclosures include a variable digital timer and when the set time expires, the UV light automatically switches off in preparation for the next experiment.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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