Sie suchten nach: Proteintests

Accurately quantifying total protein concentration is a key to most experiments and is often necessary for isolation, separation, and analysis of proteins by biochemical methods. When it is necessary to determine the total protein concentration in a sample, one of the first factors to consider is the selection of a protein assay method. These choices are typically based upon the compatibility of the method with the samples to be assayed. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Accurately quantifying total protein concentration is a key to most experiments and is often necessary for isolation, separation, and analysis of proteins by biochemical methods. When it is necessary to determine the total protein concentration in a sample, one of the first factors to consider is the selection of a protein assay method. These choices are typically based upon the compatibility of the method with the samples to be assayed. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: This BCA Protein Assay Kit - Reducing Agent Compatible enables the measurement of protein concentration in samples that contain thiol-reductants dithiothreitol (DTT) and 2-mercaptoethanol (BME).

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce™ Protease Assay Kits are an ideal choice for performing routine assays necessary during the isolation of proteases, or for identifying the presence of contaminating proteases in protein samples. These protease assays are also ideal for studying pH or temperature vs. activity profiles of purified proteases.

Artikel-Nr: (PIER21115)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce™ biotinylated protein interaction pull-down kit contains the necessary components to capture and purify interactors of a biotin-labeled protein or ligand.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (AATB11111)
Beschreibung: Protein quantification is an essential task in protein purification, electrophoresis, cell biology, molecular biology and other research applications.
VE: 1 * 500 Tests

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce BCA™ (bicinchoninic acid) reagents provide accurate determination of protein concentration with most sample types encountered in protein research. The Pierce BCA™ Protein Assay can be used to assess yields in whole cell lysates and affinity-column fractions, as well as to monitor protein contamination in industrial applications. Compared to most dye-binding methods, the BCA™ Assay is affected much less by protein compositional differences, providing greater protein-to-protein uniformity.
Artikel-Nr: (PIER23240)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: The Modified Lowry Protein Assay Kit is the preferred colorimetric assay for quantifying total protein concentration.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Das Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ quantitative Fluoreszenz-Peptidassay ist ein empfindliches Misch-und-Mess-Fluoreszenz-Mikrotiterplattenassay für die quantitative Messung von Peptiden und Peptidmischungen.

Artikel-Nr: (AATB11109)
Beschreibung: Optimised for CytoCite™ and Qubit™ fluorometers. The Portelite™ fluorimetric protein quantitation kit is significantly more sensitive than existing colorimetric protein measurements, e.g., Bradford and Bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assays.
VE: 1 * 100 Tests

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Artikel-Nr: (AATB5539)
Beschreibung: Optimised to use with CytoCite™ and Qubit™ fluorometers. Portelite™ rapid fluorimetric biotin quantitation kit is specifically optimised to quantify biotin and biotin conjugates with a portal fluorometer such as CytoCite™ and Qubit™ fluorometer.
VE: 1 * 50 Tests

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Artikel-Nr: (AATB22334)
Beschreibung: FLASH diacetate is a cell-permeable version of FlASH, which is a fluorescein derivative, modified to contain two arsenic atoms at a set distance from each other.
VE: 1 * 100 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (AATB22336)
Beschreibung: REASH acetate is a cell-permeable version of REASH, which is a resorufin derivative, modified to contain two arsenic atoms at a set distance from each other.
VE: 1 * 100 Tests

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: This antibody labeling system uses nickel chelated agarose to temporarily immobilise antibody molecules via their histidine-rich Fc regions. Once held in place on the gel, the antibody can be biotinylated at either sulfhydryl groups (after mild reduction or disulfide bonds) or primary amines. Excess labeling reagent and by-products are then washed away before recovering the labeled and purified antibody from the gel using a mild imidazole solution. No gel filtration or dialysis are needed.

Artikel-Nr: (OZBIBCA2500)
Beschreibung: BCA Protein Assay kit (BCA-PAK) is useful for colorimetric detection and quantification of total protein content, even in the presence of detergents.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (PIER23238)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: The bradford protein assay is the preferred colorimetric assay for quantifying total protein concentration. The Pierce™ coomassie plus protein assay is a ready-to-use, reducing agent-compatible, improved bradford assay reagent to quickly measure (A595 nm) total protein concentration compared to a protein standard.
VE: 1 * 300 mL

Artikel-Nr: (PIER21277)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: The Pierce™ his protein interaction pull-down kit contains the necessary components to capture and purify proteins that interact with his-tagged fusion proteins.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Mit dem Pierce™ Glycoprotein Carbohydrate Estimation Kit kann der Grad der Proteinglykosylierung als Prozentsatz der gesamten gereinigten Proteinmasse gemessen werden.

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