Sie suchten nach: Vakuum-Membranpumpen

These compact diaphragm vacuum pumps offer high-performance for single and multiple filtrations, solid phrase extraction, and other fluid movement tasks. Space-saving designs make these products convenient to place and therefore quick to operate. With a whisper-quiet operation and low operation, the diaphragm vacuum pumps will not interfere with work. The robust manufacturing has excellent corrosion resistance against chemicals routinely employed in biology and chemistry lab applications.

These compact diaphragm vacuum pumps offer high-performance for single and multiple filtrations, solid phrase extraction, and other fluid movement tasks. Space-saving designs make these products convenient to place and therefore quick to operate. With a whisper-quiet operation and low operation, the diaphragm vacuum pumps will not interfere with work. The robust manufacturing has excellent corrosion resistance against chemicals routinely employed in biology and chemistry lab applications.

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Beschreibung: Modell PC 101 NT und Modell PC 201 NT.

Beschreibung: Der VACUU SELECT Controller erleichtert Ihre Arbeit und ermöglicht, dass die VARIO select Chemie-Pumpstände eine unvergleichliche Präzision liefern. Die Pumpen laufen flüsterleise und reagieren in Echtzeit, indem sie die Drehzahl an die Prozessbedingungen anpassen. Der intuitive VACUU SELECT Controller bietet vordefinierte Anwendungen für alle gängigen Vakuumprozesse.

Artikel-Nr: (131-0015)
Beschreibung: The PC 3001 VARIO select pumping unit precisely controls the vacuum level in order to achieve unparalleled process control. The integrated VACUU·SELECT controller provides an easy-to-use, application based interface that covers all common lab applications.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (VACU25743750)
Beschreibung: Chemistry diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for aggressive gases and vapors are available in the basic version, with two-point or VARIO® control. Their construction with fluoropolymers makes them very resistant to chemical vapors from inlet to exhaust.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Diese Chemie-Vakuumsysteme bieten ein breites Anwendungsspektrum zum Evakuieren oder zum Umpumpen von Gasen und Dämpfen in chemischen und physikalischen Laboratorien, z.B. als Alternative zu Wasserstrahl- und Drehschieberpumpen. Kompakte Bauweise, sehr leise im Betrieb, lange Lebensdauer; einfacher Membran- und Ventilwechsel ist möglich. Ölfreies Vakuum.

Lieferant: Welch by Gardner Denver
Beschreibung: CDK turbomolecular pumping systems are completely oil-free. It incorporate an oil-free SST turbomolecular pump using dry-running, solid-lubricated ceramic bearings. The backing pump is an oil-free diaphragm vacuum pump.

Beschreibung: Der VACUU·SELECT Controller macht Ihre Arbeit einfacher und ermöglicht, dass die VARIO select Membranpumpen eine unvergleichliche Präzision liefern. Die Pumpen laufen flüsterleise und reagieren in Echtzeit, indem sie die Drehzahl an die Prozessbedingungen anpassen. Der intuitive VACUU·SELECT Controller bietet vordefinierte Anwendungen für alle gängigen Vakuumprozesse. VACUUBRAND VARIO® Technologie - schafft mehr Zeit für andere Aufgaben.

Artikel-Nr: (VACU25744850)
Beschreibung: Chemistry diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for aggressive gases and vapors are available in the basic version, with two-point or VARIO® control. Their construction with fluoropolymers makes them very resistant to chemical vapors from inlet to exhaust.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Chemistry diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for aggressive gases and vapors are available in the basic version, with two-point or VARIO® control. Their construction with fluoropolymers makes them very resistant to chemical vapors from inlet to exhaust.

Artikel-Nr: (VACU25741850)
Beschreibung: Chemistry diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for aggressive gases and vapors are available in the basic version, with two-point or VARIO® control. Their construction with fluoropolymers makes them very resistant to chemical vapors from inlet to exhaust.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (VACU25744150)
Beschreibung: Diaphragm pumps from VACUUBRAND for non-corrosive media are available in the basic version and variants with VARIO® control. Important benefits include oil-free and whisper quiet operation, low maintenance requirements, and extended service life.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Sartorius
Beschreibung: The vacuum pump series Microsart® maxi.vac and Microsart® mini.vac provide up to date technology for daily use in the Microbiology laboratory environment.

Artikel-Nr: (516-7546)
Lieferant: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beschreibung: Die garantiert öl- und staubfreie Vakuum-/Druckluftversorgung hilft, die gesamte Laborumgebung einwandfrei sauber zu halten.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: The Milliflex Oasis® vacuum pump made of acrylonitrile styrene acrylate and polycarbonate.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: BUCHI
Beschreibung: Diaphragm vacuum pump is made up PTFE and it is chemically resistant with a space saving design. It meets all the needs of vacuum generation. It is usable for multiple applications such as evaporation, drying, concentration, suction straining and filteration. It is a maximum longevity product due to robost and stable design and integrated ECO² mode.

Artikel-Nr: (531-0942)
Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: Single- or dual-head chemically resistant, dry running diaphragm pumps for a wide range of laboratory applications. They transfer and evacuate without affecting the media, i.e. media remains uncontaminated.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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