Sie suchten nach: Zellkultur-Platten

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

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Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Die Nunc™ Edge-Platte ist so konzipiert, dass die Verdunstung und die mit dem Randeffekt verbundenen Risiken minimiert werden. Wenn sie mit sterilem Wasser oder Medium gefüllt ist, fungiert der umgebende Graben während einer längeren Inkubation als Verdunstungspuffer und sorgt für gleichmäßige, lebensfähige Zellen in der gesamten 96-Well-Platte, was wiederum die Produktivität für zellbasierte Tests steigert. Durch die Nutzung aller 96 Wells können Forscher Experimente effizienter planen, was potenziell zu geringeren Kosten und weniger Produktabfällen führt.

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Falcon® 96-well microplates are available in a variety of configurations and surface chemistries to meet a wide range of applications with fluorescence, luminescence, radiometric or colorimetric endpoints.
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Our new offering of CellCube 10, 25, 100 modules, circulation loops, and connectors allows for easy adherent cell scale-up that integrate seamlessly with AseptiQuik® and MPC connectors.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, mit Deckel, steril.

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: PS, black opaque microplate with optically clear bottom, with lid. The Ultra-Low Attachment surface is a covalently bound hydrogel layer that is hydrophilic and neutrally charged. The surface minimises cell attachment, protein absorption, and enzyme activation. It is ideal for culturing stem cells, as it promotes embryoid body formation from ES cells.
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, erhöhter Rand, steril. Ideal für Zellkultur, Klonierungen, Virustitration und Zellfusion.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Gebrauchsfertige PS-Platten beschichtet mit Collagen I, mit Deckel.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Cell culture microplates are sterile and nonpyrogenic. Lids available where indicated.
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: These 96-well solid black and white polystyrene microplates are designed to reduce well-to-well cross-talk.
Artikel-Nr: (CORN3829)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: The Corning® multicoated microplate provides users access to six different surface treatments on a single plate.
VE: 1 * 10 ST


Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: High optical quality, glass bottom black microplates are ideal for performing high-content cell-based assays using imaging systems. The glass bottom provides a flat and optically clear surface that reduces autofocus time, increases throughput, and is ideal for cell growth.
Artikel-Nr: (734-1517)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Not treated PVC microplates are economical microplates for solution-based assays, serial dilutions, and general storage applications.
VE: 1 * 100 ST


Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, non treated, with lid, sterile.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Die Nunclon™ Sphera™ Kulturoberfläche ermöglicht das Wachstum der Zellen in Suspension mit nahezu keiner Zellhaftung. Die Oberfläche unterstützt viele verschiedene Zelltypen und ihre Fähigkeit, Sphäroide zu bilden.

Artikel-Nr: (734-3635)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Experience optimal performance with Nunc™ plates with Nunclon™ Supra surface treatment for culturing a wide variety of fastidious adherent cells. Intended for general cell culture applications, the Nunclon™ Supra surface is more hydrophilic than the Nunclon™ Delta surface, enhancing the growth of finicky cell types under no-serum or low-serum conditions.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Environmentally Preferable Neuer Artikel bei VWR!

Lieferant: Brand
Beschreibung: PS, massiv oder mit transparentem Boden. Diese flachen Bodenplatten sind in verschiedenen Farben sowie mit Standard- oder transparentem Flachbodenplatte erhältlich.

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