Sie suchten nach: Zellkultur-Platten

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

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Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, steril, mit Deckel. Tauglich für alle Bereiche der Zellbiologie, z. B. für Wachstums- und Replikationsstudien.
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, mit Gewebekulturen behandelt, steril. Ideal für Zellkultur, Zellfusion, Klonierungen und Virustitration.

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (734-1354)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS with coverglass base, sterile, with lid. CC2™ surface treatment closely mimics a biological surface similar to Poly-D-Lysine and is a superior surface for attachment and growth of fastidious cells.
VE: 1 * 30 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Brand
Beschreibung: PS, massiv oder mit transparentem Boden. Die Platten sind mit verschiedenen Well-Formen (rundem U-Boden, konischem V-Boden, flachem F-Boden oder flachem C-Boden mit abgerundeten Ecken), in verschiedenen Farben und mit verschiedenen zellkulturbehandelten Oberflächen erhältlich.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS-Platte mit Bodenplatte aus Deckglas oder Polymer, steril, mit Deckel. Diese Platten mit weißer oder schwarzer oberer Struktur und durchsichtiger Basis bieten optimale Bedingungen zum Betrachten der Proben.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Nunc vessels with Nunclon Supra surface treatment are designed for culturing fastidious adherent cells. Intended for general cell culture applications, the Nunclon Supra surface is more hydrophilic than the Nunclon Delta surface, enhancing the growth of finicky cell types under no-serum or low-serum conditions.

Environmentally Preferable Neuer Artikel bei VWR!

Artikel-Nr: (734-2402)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, sterile. Optimised for computerised imaging and spotting.
VE: 1 * 90 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: The UpCell™ surface is a temperature-responsive cell culture surface that enables harvesting of cells with high viability and intact surface proteins for culture passaging, single-cell analyses and cell transplantation research. The UpCell™ surface enables harvesting of cell sheets and creation of 3D tissue models held together by normal cell junctions and extracellular matrix deposited by the cells.

Artikel-Nr: (732-2602)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: <p>PS, steril, OmniTrays mit Deckel sind ideal für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet.</p>
VE: 1 * 60 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Elplasia plates enable researchers to generate high density of spheroids in a scaffold-free model. Use Corning Elplasia plates to generate, culture and analyse your spheroids all in a standard plate footprint.
Artikel-Nr: (CORN4637)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: With their proprietary design, these microplates are ideal for generating and analyzing 3D multicellular spheroids in the same microplate. The Ultra-Low Attachment (ULA) surface enables uniform and reproducible 3D multicellular spheroid formation. The black opaque microplate body shields each optically clear, round bottom well from well-to-well cross-talk.
VE: 1 * 5 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (CORN4547)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Culture thousands of spheroids in a microplate footprint.
VE: 1 * 5 ST

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Artikel-Nr: (FCELF202303)
Beschreibung: The BIOFLOAT™ 24-well f-bottom plate provides a highly defined, fully inert, and cell-repelling surface.
VE: 1 * 8 SET

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Artikel-Nr: (392-0371)
Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, flat bottom, round wells, TC treated. These 384-well Low Volume™ microplates offer the same standardised footprint and height as regular polystyrene plates. This enables a direct change from larger volumes into the small volume range or even a combination of both plates.
VE: 1 * 32 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (738-0261)
Beschreibung: The BIOFLOAT™ 384-well plate outperforms existing products by its anti-adhesive properties.
VE: 1 * 8 SET

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Artikel-Nr: (FCELF202301)
Beschreibung: Ready-to-use for suspension and 3D cell culture. The BIOFLOAT™ 96-well plate provides a highly defined, fully inert, and cell-repelling surface.
VE: 1 * 8 SET

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