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208  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

Auswahlhilfe für Peristaltikpumpen

Leitfaden für die Auswahl von Schläuchen für Pumpen und Fluid-Handling-Systeme Die richtigen Pumpenschläuche sind entscheidend für den Aufbau Ihres Pumpensystems für die Flüssigkeitsverarbeitung. Bevor Sie sich entscheiden sollten Sie alle Aspekte...

TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing

TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing Advantages: Designed especially for handling food products; bore is extremely smooth (better than most stainless steels) nontoxic will not affect taste or odor and clear for CIP and flow verification. Excellent nonwetti...

How to improve your weighing accuracy and comply with the changing requirements in highly regulated areas

How to improve your weighing accuracy and comply with the changing requirements in highly regulated areas Webinar Thursday 14th October 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of a...

Pumpen von abrasiven Stoffen

Pumpen von abrasiven Stoffen Masterflex® pumps are well suited for pumping abrasive slurries for several reasons. The peristaltic pumping action is gentle on the fluid reducing tubing wear. The only part of the pump the fluid comes in contact with...

Detergent-based viral inactivation: a case study demonstrating enhanced monoclonal antibody purification

Detergent-based viral inactivation: a case study demonstrating enhanced monoclonal antibody purification Webinar Replay Virus inactivation is a critical operation in therapeutic protein manufacturing. Detergent-based processes are effective at vir...

Thermo Immunoassay Plate Guide

Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide H H NNH C H 3 H 3 C S N H 2 O N H 2 OO HOO O O H C H 3 H the right surface for your assay Well Configuration For easier washingCompatible with monochromatic reading the right surface for your assay Advance...

Choose the right column and get the best results: overview, strategies and tips

Choose the right column and get the best results: overview strategies and tips Webinar Thursday 24th March 2022 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance If you use HPLC or U...

product information

product information 1 Myco-1&2 Set Myco-1&2 Set (A8360) contains Myco-1 (A5222) Myco-2 (A5233) Product No. A8360 Description Treatment of Mycoplasma-infected Cells with Antibiotics The contamination of cells with mycoplasma is a very common proble...

V-Line DE 2017

V-LINE Die neue Formel für die Gefahrstoagerung ››› Innovative Kulissen- technik für maximalen Bedienkomfort. ››› Identisches Lagervolumen zu Standardschränken - bei halber Schrankbreite ››› Beidseitiger Zugri auf alle eingelagerten Gebinde – perf...

Use of a Novel Cell Lysis Buffer for Protection of AAVs and Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency

Use of a Novel Cell Lysis Buffer for Protection of AAVs and Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency Webinar On demand Replay The manufacturing of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) for use as gene therapies is a complex process that has proven d...


Probenvorbereitung Probenvorbereitung bezeichnet die verschiedenen Arten oder Methoden der Behandlung einer Probe bevor diese analysiert wird. Die Probenvorbereitung kann sowohl zeitaufwändig wie auch eine hauptsächliche Fehlerquelle sein und wirk...

Adopting novel technologies to improve monoclonal antibody processes

Adopting novel technologies to improve monoclonal antibody processes Webinar On demand Replay Over last 20+ year there has been significant grown in monoclonal antibody drug pipeline as well as diversity of monoclonal antibody molecules. For examp...

Corning 3D cell culture solutions: break the 3D barrier

Corning 3D cell culture solutions: break the 3D barrier Why is 3D cell culture becoming so popular? Cells grown in 3D more closely mimic in vivo behavior in tissues and organs than cells grown in a 2D culture model. 3D cell culture environments cr...

010 SFLY sparQ Library Prep VWR 1117

Next Generation Sequencing sparQ DNA Library Prep Kit DESCRIPTION: An optimized kit for the rapid construction of DNA libraries from fragmented double-stranded DNA for sequencing on Illumina® NGS platforms. DNA polishing reactions are combined in ...

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals Webinar Tuesday 15th January - asecos 12:00 to 12:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance The storage of ...

Disinfectant efficacy validation for life science cleanrooms

Disinfectant efficacy validation for life science cleanrooms Webinar Thursday 22nd July 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Understand the differences in disinfec...
97 - 112 of 208