Sie suchten nach: 6,7-Dihydro-4H-pyrano[4,3-d]thiazol-2-amine
60 Ergebnisse wurden gefunden
European standards f
European standards for protective gloves CE marking of protective gloves Protective gloves are personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE products are certified according to the European Directive 89/686/EC. This directive determines the fundamenta...
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing
FDA Compliant Viton Tubing Advantages: Perfect for food and lab applications where FDA compliance is required. Good chemical resistance. Resistant to corrosives High temperature properties Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability...
Viton Tubing Specifications
Viton Tubing Specifications Advantages: Our most chemical-resistant tubing. Resistant to corrosives solvents and oils at elevated temperature. Low gas permeability. Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability: Acids: Excellent Alkal...
Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...
Auswahlhilfe für Peristaltikpumpen
Leitfaden für die Auswahl von Schläuchen für Pumpen und Fluid-Handling-Systeme Die richtigen Pumpenschläuche sind entscheidend für den Aufbau Ihres Pumpensystems für die Flüssigkeitsverarbeitung. Bevor Sie sich entscheiden sollten Sie alle Aspekte...
Nunc Plates selector guide
Nunc Edge 2.0 96-well plate uniquely designed to prevent evaporation during cell-based assays. Watch the video Cell-based assays Screening Immunoassays Thermo Scientific Nunc microplates - Quality and innovation for your assays Thermo Scientific™ ...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 20.06.2013 page 1 from 10 Determination of isocyanate (NCO-) content Application date: 20.06.2013 page 2 from 10 Use This method is applicable for material containing reactive iso...
PG1702-PJT2232-COL05448-Protein-Quantification-TechNote-Gobal.indd TECHNICAL NOTE NanoDrop One/OneC and Multiskan Sky spectrophotometers A theoretical and practical guide for spectrophotometric determination of protein concentrations at 280 nm of ...
Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide
Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide Contents Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Selecting a Masterflex Ismatec Pump Selecting Ismatec Pump Tubing Pump System and Drive Selection by Flow Range Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Flow rates a...
Viskositätsstandards Neues Sortiment von zertifizierten präzisen und rückführbaren Viskositätsstandards. Diese Produkte können für die Kalibrierung Kontrolle Verifizierung Qualifizierung oder Methodenvalidierung von Messgeräten für kinematische un...
TYGON LFL Tubing Advantages: Longest life of all TYGON peristaltic tubings (1000 hrs). Nonaging nonoxidizing. Clear for easy flow monitoring. Broad chemical resistance. Low gas permeability. Smooth bore. Good for viscous fluids. High dielectric co...
Abfallmanagement Schäden und darauf folgende Kontaminationen des Umfelds Arzneimittels oder Personals das in den Umgang und Transport von zytotoxischen Arzneimitteln involviert ist sind zu vermeiden. Deshalb müssen diese Arzneimittel mit größter V...
Trusted by scientists worldwide the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ instruments set the standard for microvolume analysis delivering accurate nucleic acid and protein sample concentration as well as sample purity information. Quantify and qualify DNA...
011_SFLY_sparQ_HiFi_PCR_MM_VWR_1117.indd Next Generation Sequencing 1.1 Libraries were prepared from Covaris-sheared DNA with sparQ DNA library prep kit prior to library amplification. Pre-amplified libraries were then amplified using sparQ HiFi P...
Organische Synthese mit Chemikalien von Thermo Scientific
Organische Synthese mit Chemikalien von Thermo Scientific Entdecken Sie Reagenzien und Materialien für die Synthese und das Studium von Reaktionsmechanismen einschließlich luft- und feuchtigkeitsempfindlicher Reagenzien und Bausteine. Das umfangre...
Brochure NanoDropOne
Thermo Scientific NanoDrop One Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometers Intelligent microvolume analysis Pipette. Measure. Know. • Employs spectral analysis algorithms to identify contaminants in the sample and report a corrected concentration. • Ens...
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