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191  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

SureSTART Autosampler Ampullen und Well-Platten

SureSTART Autosampler Ampullen und Well-Platten 3 verschiedene Leistungsstufen – unterschieden nach Leistung und Wert – machen die Auswahl des richtigen Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ Produkts einfach klar und leicht. Machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrem...

Common mistakes and tips when first moving into Oligonucleotide Analyses!

Common mistakes and tips when first moving into Oligonucleotide Analyses! Webinar Friday 5th November 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Oligonucleotides have be...

Nunc™ plates for cell-based assays

Nunc™ plates for cell-based assays Thermo Scientific Nunc polystyrene cell culture plates with more than 100 combinations of surface and format help you to get healthy cells and reliable results for your research. Let us guide your selection by st...


Spektralphotometer Spektralfotometer werden in vielen Forschungs- QK- und Pharma-Labors für Anwendungen in den Bereichen Chemie Biochemie Life Science Wasseranalytik sowie Lebensmittel und Getränke eingesetzt. Unsere Produkte bieten Qualität ein h...


Gefrierschränke Sichere und genaue Geräte in allen Formen Größen und Temperaturbereichen. Featured Products VWR Ultra-Low Temperature Upright Freezers Great value for money – Designed for sample protection and ease of use. Choose from four -86 °C ...

Genomics Tools, Solutions and Resources

Genomics Tools and Solutions Genomics Tools Solutions and Resources Genomic Life Sciences or the study of human genes and chromosomes enables scientists to learn more about a patient's molecular biology. Genomics has enormous potential to reshape ...

hazardous materials management eu

Hazardous Materials CoMplianCe suCCess story problem The challenge of complying with hazardous materials regulations had become increasingly difficult for one of the world’s most renowned cancer treatment and research centres. Updating spreadsheet...

Archive and Biorepository Services

Archive and Biorepository Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Choose EPL Archives for Secure Preservation Meticulous care of clinical and biological samples is critical to the validity of your res...

Biorepository Services & Cell Banking

Biorepository Services & Cell Banking Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Choose EPL Archives for Secure Preservation Meticulous care of clinical and biological samples is critical to the validity of your ...

Avantor Services Cell and Gene Therapy Success Sto

Success story Avantor accelerates Cell and Gene Therapy (C>) production Avantor Services Lab and production services CHALLENGE A global pharmaceutical company set an ambitious strategic goal of transitioning from Cell and Gene Therapy (C>) con...

Nucleic acid quantitation and analysis using the QuickDrop Spectrophotometer | Molecular Devices

Nucleic acid quantitation and analysis using the QuickDrop Spectrophotometer | Molecular Devices Benefits • Minimal sample usage as little as 0.5 µL • Accurate DNA Quantitation from 1.0 ng/µL to 2500 ng/µL • LCD touchscreen for stand-alone experim...

From Cell to Therapy

From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...


DNA Quantitation Kits for plate reader or Qubit® reader Superior DNA quantitation kits for any instrument AccuBlue® AccuClear® and AccuGreen™ dsDNA quantitation assays allow precise quantitation of purified dsDNA samples across a wide range of con...

PEIpro Poster

PEIpro Poster Reproducibility & Scalability Excellent lot-to-lot protein yield reproducibility using PEIpro®. Suspension HEK-293 cells were seeded at 1×106 cells/mL in serum-free medium and transfected with PEIpro® following the standard protocol....


Imaging solutions to answer your biological questions Stunning images fast throughput powerful analysis www.moleculardevices.com2 ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System SpectraMax® i3x Multi-Mode Microplate Reader ImageXpress Nano Automate...

Hearing Fit Testing

Hearing Fit Testing Using Fit Validation to Help Improve Field Performance of Hearing Protectors and increase Compliance The chosen hearing protector (earplug or earmuff) won’t provide the expected level of protection if it is not fitted or used c...
161 - 176 of 191