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Artikel-Nr: (ICNA0219525110)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Sephadex is a beaded gel filtration medium prepared by cross-linking dextran with epichlorohydrin under alkaline conditions.
VE: 1 * 10 g

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Pure Canavalia ensiformis lectin (Con A) from Jackbean. Isolated by affinity chromatography on cross-linked dextran. It exists as a dimer below pH 5,0 and and at pH >7 it exists as a tetramer. It is a metalloprotein and requires a transition metal ion, such as manganese, plus calcium ions for binding.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Superdex prep grade (pg) is produced by covalent bonding of dextran to highly cross-linked agarose.The separation properties of these media are determined by the dextran component

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Sephadex ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Sephadex ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Cytodex 3, formed by chemically coupling a thin layer of denatured collagen to the cross-linked dextran matrix, is the microcarrier of choice for cells that may be difficult to culture in vitro, culture of primary cells or those with an epithelioid morphology, especially cells with low plating-efficiency or differentiated or sensitive cell-types which are normally difficult to grow, e.g. hepatocytes, endocrine cells.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: These desalting columns are ready-to-use, disposable, gel filtration columns for separating proteins and other macromolecules from low molecular weight buffer salts and reagents.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Sephadex ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: HiLoad™ Superdex™ prep grade (pg) sind vorgepackte XK Säulen für die präparative Gelfiltration. Superdex™ prep grade ist eine Kompositmatrix aus Dextran und stark quervernetzter Agarose. Die steile Selektivität von Dextran und die hohe chemische und physikalische Stabilität von Agarose ermöglichen hochauflösende Trennungen. Das Chromatographiemedium verbindet hohe mechanische Festigkeit mit hoher Hydrophilie und ermöglicht hohe Flussraten und minimale nicht-spezifische Wechselwirkungen.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Superdex prep grade is a preparative gel filtration medium with a composite matrix of dextran and agarose

Artikel-Nr: (SH30071.03T)
Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Enhance growth of cells with U.S. sourced HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS).
VE: 1 * 500 mL


Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: DEAE Sephadex™ A-25 and DEAE Sephadex™ A-50 are weak anion exchangers. Sephadex™ ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix. These groups are attached to glucose units in the matrix by stable ether linkages.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: DEAE Sephadex™ A-25 and DEAE Sephadex™ A-50 are weak anion exchangers. Sephadex™ ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix. These groups are attached to glucose units in the matrix by stable ether linkages.

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Sephadex™ LH-20 is a liquid chromatography media for molecular sizing of natural product such as steroid, terpenoid, lipid and low molecular weight peptides. Sephadex™ LH-20 is pre-pared by hydroxypropylation of Sephadex™ G-25, a bead-formed dextran medium.
Artikel-Nr: (PRSI33-727)
Lieferant: ProSci Inc.
Beschreibung: Villin (VIL1) is an epithelial cell-specific Ca2+-regulated actin-modifying protein that modulates the reorganization of microvillar actin filaments. Plays a role in the actin nucleation, actin filament bundle assembly, actin filament capping and severing. Binds phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA); binds LPA with higher affinity than PIP2. Binding to LPA increases its phosphorylation by SRC and inhibits all actin-modifying activities. Binding to PIP2 inhibits actin-capping and -severing activities but enhances actin-bundling activity. Regulates the intestinal epithelial cell morphology, cell invasion, cell migration and apoptosis. Protects against apoptosis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) in the gastrointestinal epithelium. Appears to regulate cell death by maintaining mitochondrial integrity. Enhances hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced epithelial cell motility, chemotaxis and wound repair. Upon S.flexneri cell infection, its actin-severing activity enhances actin-based motility of the bacteria and plays a role during the dissemination. [UniProt].
VE: 1 * 100 µG

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Beschreibung: Nile blue chloride has been used to stain non-aqueous phase in fluorescence microscopy studies.

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