Sie suchten nach: Cytological+standard+stain

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Artikel-Nr: (1.15355.0001)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Szczepanik's standard cytological stain with modified solutions (CYTOCOLOR®) is chiefly used for early recognition of female genital carcinoma.
VE: 1 * 6 ST

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Giemsa's staining is one of the standard procedures in histology, hematology, cytology and bacteriology. The Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue dye is a dry dye that is used for the preparation of a staining solution. This solution can be used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears, paraffin sections, spirochaets and clinical-cytological specimens of human origin.

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Artikel-Nr: (499319OO)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: VWR International declares that the the growth promotion testing of this product is performed in compliance with ISO 11133:2014 standard “Microbiology of food, animal feed and water - Preparation, production, storage and performance testing of culture media”
VE: 1 * 50 mL

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Nuclear staining in cytology
Artikel-Nr: (1.09275.0500)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: For the diagnosis of hormonal disorders in cytology
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Artikel-Nr: (GHS216-500ML)
Beschreibung: Gill formulation No. 2 may be used for cytology and/or histology as a progressive or regressive stain depending on length of staining time.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Artikel-Nr: (GHS316-500ML)
Beschreibung: Gill formulation No. 3 may be used for cytology and/or histology as a progressive or regressive stain depending on length of staining time. Used with hematoxylin and eosin staining.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Cytoplasm staining of mature and keratinized cells in cytology
Artikel-Nr: (GHS280-2.5L)
Beschreibung: Gill formulation No. 2 may be used for cytology and/or histology as a progressive or regressive stain depending on length of staining time. 4 g/L certified hematoxylin.
VE: 1 * 2,5 L

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Used to stain blood, bone marrow smears, and clinical cytological specimens
Artikel-Nr: (GHS380-2.5L)
Beschreibung: Gill formulation No. 3 may be used for cytology and/or histology as a progressive or regressive stain depending on length of staining time. Used with hematoxylin and eosin staining.
VE: 1 * 2,5 L

Beschreibung: Giemsa stain is a versatile differential stain that is widely used in hematology for blood and bone marrow specimens, clinical cytology specimens, bacteriology, histological biopsies, and tumor samples. Giemsa's staining solution is composed of methylene blue, azure, and eosin. It is a major histological stain due to its unique staining of chromatin, nuclear membranes, and cytoplasmic elements. The stain is frequently used in combination with other dye solutions: May-Grünwald’s solution for Pappenheim (MGG) and Wright-Giemsa.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Used to stain blood, bone marrow smears, and clinical cytological specimens
Beschreibung: Proflavine is a small, amphipathic, acridine-derived fluorescent dye.Proflavine hemisulfate is used as a rapid stain for cytological studies of biological specimens. It stains cytoplasmic structures and nuclei. Proflavine has the capability to intercalate double stranded DNA.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Cytoplasm staining of mature and keratinized cells in cytology
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Used to demonstrate the differentiation of squamous cells in gynecological cytology
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