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Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Reinigungsanwendung: Glassware, Adapter, PP, für 10 und 25 l Extran® Kanister

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: A range of cleansers, for manual cleaning, that have been developed to meet the cleaning requirements for glassware and small equipment in the laboratory.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Eine Auswahl an Reinigern, die entwickelt wurden, um die Vorgaben hinsichtlich der maschinellen Reinigung von Glaswaren und Kleingeräten in Laboren zu erfüllen.
Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Ultrapure Bioreagent is designed for the degradation of both single stranded and double stranded DNA and RNA. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Ultrapure Bioreagent is used to ensure host cell DNA impurities are removed; driving process efficiency by lowering viscosity and preventing aggregation. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease is an enzyme based upon the native endonuclease of Serratia marcescens, enabling rapid clearance of residual DNA and RNA during the production and purification of both recombinant proteins and viral vectors. Non-animal origin. The purity of materials in non-negotiable. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Ultrapure Bioreagent acts to degrade and eliminate extraneous genetic material, ensuring the pristine quality of your final product.
Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Polierter Granit. Vier vibrationsabsorbierende Füße dämpfen die Übertragung von Fremdvibrationen auf die Platte, wodurch diese nicht nur zur Verwendung unter Präzisionswaagen, sondern auch für Mikroskope oder andere empfindliche Instrumente geeignet ist.

Lieferant: Avantor
Beschreibung: J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent meets the strictest cGMP standards and is designed for the degradation of both single stranded and double stranded DNA and RNA. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent is used to ensure host cell DNA impurities are removed; driving process efficiency by lowering viscosity and preventing aggregation. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent is an enzyme based upon the native endonuclease of Serratia marcescens, enabling rapid clearance of residual DNA and RNA during the production and purification of both recombinant proteins and viral vectors. Non-animal origin. Absence of proteolytic activity. The purity of materials in non-negotiable. J.T.Baker® Endonuclease Biotech Reagent acts to degrade and eliminate extraneous genetic material, ensuring the pristine quality of your final product.
Artikel-Nr: (1.07553.1000)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Extran MA 02 flüssig, neutral, Konzentrat 1 * 1 L
VE: 1 * 1 L

Artikel-Nr: (1.40000.1000)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Extran MA 05 liquide, alcalin, concentre sans phosphates 1 * 1 L
VE: 1 * 1 L

Artikel-Nr: (ABNOP5259)
Lieferant: Abnova
Beschreibung: TRYPSIN (BOVINE), IRRADIATED 1 * 100 mg
VE: 1 * 100 mg

Artikel-Nr: (ABNOP5287)
Lieferant: Abnova
Beschreibung: TRYPSIN (BOVINE), IRRADIATED 1 * 100 mg
VE: 1 * 100 mg

Artikel-Nr: (J10906.P5)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Agar is used extensively as a gelling agent in the preparation of bacteriological culture media.
VE: 1 * 5 lb

Beschreibung: Histopaque®-1119 is a sterile, endotoxin tested, ready-to-use medium. This solution consists of polysucrose and sodium diatrizoate, adjusted to a density of 1,119 g/ml and pH 8,8 to 9,0.

Beschreibung: Histopaque®-1083 is a solution containing polysucrose and sodium diatrizoate, adjusted to a density of 1,083 g/ml. It facilitates the recovery of viable mononuclear cells from small volumes of blood of rats, mice, and other small mammals. Histopaque®-1083 has been used for the isolation of mononuclear cells and leukocytes from rat peripheral blood.

Artikel-Nr: (CAYM700460-192)
Lieferant: Cayman Chemical
Beschreibung: For the measurement of creatinine levels in plasma and serum.
VE: 1 * 192 Tests

Beschreibung: PS, optically clear, without lids. Microplates with a choice of different well types for different applications. The plates are fully compatible with standard reading and washing equipment.

Artikel-Nr: (ICNA092020026)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: This serum replacement is effective in research situations such as studying the effects of growth factors or in the manufacturing of cell derived products.
VE: 1 * 20 mL

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