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Artikel-Nr: (JSPAAJF160-000-100)
Lieferant: JSP
Beschreibung: The EVO®3 industrial safety helmet combines a super strong shell for superior all day protection, with the comfort benefits of the Evolution® 3D Adjustment™ harness system
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (METO1848NK4)
Lieferant: Metro International
Beschreibung: Neutrale Ästhetik für die Laborumgebung, jetzt mit Korrosions- und antimikrobiellem Schutz.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, Borosilikatglas 3.3, klar, mit Ausguss.

Lieferant: Brady
Beschreibung: Super chemical-resistant polyester (B-481) is designed for use in the slide staining process and other laboratory ID which requires superior chemical resistance.

Beschreibung: 100% Polyester-Mikrofasergarn (0,5 De) Mopps

Lieferant: Metro International
Beschreibung: Das Top-Track™-Regalsystem erhöht die Lagerkapazität um bis zu 50% und maximiert die nutzbare Lagerfläche in einem bestimmten Raum.

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-6721R-CY5)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: KIRREL2 is an immunoglobulin super family gene, it has been found to be expressed in beta cells of pancreatic islets; KIRR2_HUMAN.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-6721R-CY3)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: KIRREL2 is an immunoglobulin super family gene, it has been found to be expressed in beta cells of pancreatic islets; KIRR2_HUMAN.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Beschreibung: One-Step Heavy Duty SMS 2-lagige Hüllen bieten eine hervorragende Keimbarriere. Ideal für pharmazeutische Produktionsanwendungen.

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-6721R-A680)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: KIRREL2 is an immunoglobulin super family gene, it has been found to be expressed in beta cells of pancreatic islets; KIRR2_HUMAN.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: DURAN®, borosilicate glass 3.3, clear, with spout.

Artikel-Nr: (111-2136)
Lieferant: Nitritex
Beschreibung: BioClean Clearview™ autoclavable cleanroom goggles have a super-soft thermoplastic rubber frame to provide wearer comfort.
VE: 1 * 12 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-13493R-CY5)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: Involved in transport from the ER to the Golgi apparatus as well as in intra-Golgi transport. It belongs to a super-family of proteins called t-SNAREs or soluble NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor) attachment protein receptor. May play a protective role against hydrogen peroxide induced cytotoxicity under glutathione depleted conditions in neuronal cells by regulating the intracellular ROS levels via inhibition of p38 MAPK (MAPK11, MAPK12, MAPK13 and MAPK14). Participates in docking and fusion stage of ER to cis-Golgi transport. Plays an important physiological role in VLDL-transport vesicle-Golgi fusion and thus in VLDL delivery to the hepatic cis-Golgi.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

Lieferant: ELTEN
Beschreibung: Metall- und lederfreie, superleichte ESD-Sicherheitsschuhe mit Mikrofaser-Obermaterial, Reflexmaterial, gepolsterter Lasche und Zweischichten-PU/PU-Sohle WELLMAXX TRAINERS.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: ELTEN
Beschreibung: Metall- und lederfreie, superleichte ESD-Sicherheitsschuhe mit Mikrofaser-Obermaterial, Reflexmaterial, gepolsterter Lasche und Zweischichten-PU/PU-Laufsohle WELLMAXX TRAINERS.

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (BOSSBS-13528R-CY3)
Lieferant: Bioss
Beschreibung: G protein-coupled receptors (GPRs) are a protein family of transmembrane receptors that transmit an extracellular signal (ligand binding) into an intracellular signal (G protein activation). GPR signaling is an evolutionarily ancient mechanism used by all eukaryotes to sense environmental stimuli and mediate cell-cell communication. GPRs all have seven membrane-spanning domains and extracellular loops that can be glycosylated. These extracellular loops also contain two highly conserved cysteine residues which create disulfide bonds to stabilize the receptor structure. SREB1 (super conserved receptor expressed in brain 1), also known as GPR27 (G protein-coupled receptor 27), belongs to the SREB subfamily of GPRs that are expressed in the central nervous system. SREB1 may function as an amine-like GPR.
VE: 1 * 100 µl

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