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Artikel-Nr: (761-0139)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Over 30% of the world's population uses tobacco products, and 90% of that is from cigarettes. The physical effects of nicotine and the diseases it can cause, including cancer, are detailed on this anatomical poster. For such a wide spread practice education is important and this anatomy poster can help do that. This thickly laminated anatomical chart is printed on premium glossy (200 g) UV resistant paper and comes with two sided lamination (125 µm, 5,0 mil) and metal eyelets to make the chart easy to display.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0113)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Magnification 5X. The six parts of the model show how the eye is structured. Tendon, choroid, cornea, vitreous and lens. Separable.
VE: 1 * 1 SET

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0116)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Simple heart model in 2 parts. Atrium and chambers are clearly exposed. Dimensions 19×12×12 cm.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0137)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: <i>Fagus silvatica. </i>Three dimensional model of an beech tree leaf at 1500X magnification.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (761-0003)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Alle Strukturen des median geschnittenen Gehirnes sind handbemalt, nummeriert und in einem Beiblatt benannt. Die rechte Hälfte ist zerlegbar in Stirn- und Scheitellappen, Hirnstamm mit Schläfen- und Hinterhauptslappen und Kleinhirn.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0111)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Labyrinth, plint and mucous membrane with hammer and anvil.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0105)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: This deluxe brain is medially divided. On the right half of this brain, you will find a colored, systematic grouping and representation of the cerebral lobe. The left half of the brain shows:
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1000151)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Flexibly mounted with spinal nerves and dura mater of spinal cord anatomically correct in every single detail.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1013907)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: The periodic table poster with pictures of the elements is delivered with wooden rods and hanging cord for easy display. Languages: English, German, French, Spanish.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINHU35000)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Track with two trolleys and other accessories for investigating linear motion. The trolleys move with minimum friction on wheels with high-quality ball-bearings. They are fitted with magnets at their front ends for experiments involving both elastic and inelastic collisions.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1020175)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Das Skelettmodell Leo bietet die Vorteile eines 3B Scientific® Skeletts und zeigt zusätzlich die funktionellen und anatomischen Zusammenhänge zwischen den Knochen und den Bändern. Seine elastischen Bänder an den großen Gelenken (Schulter, Ellenbogen, Hüfte und Knie) sind auf der rechten Seite des Skeletts eingearbeitet. Die Vorteile des 3B Scientific® Skeletts sind:
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1013869)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: This meiosis model series shows the ten stages of meiosis on the basis of a typical mammal cell at an enlargement of approximately 10000 times. The three-dimensional relief models are painted according to the usual coloring methods of microscopy, making the process of meiotic cell division easy to understand. The cell organelles are portrayed open in the lower part of the models. The meiosis models are equipped with magnets at the rear so that they can be easily arranged on a magnetic board in the classroom. The detailed stages of meiosis:
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0151)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: This poster is mounted on a reel.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0496)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: This skeleton is great for detailed study of the skeletal anatomy of the female pelvis.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (763-0077)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: The anatomy of a human fetal skull can be studied easily with this realistic fetal skull replica.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Artikel-Nr: (BINH1000069)
Lieferant: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Beschreibung: Beauchene adult human skull is a natural cast and makes the complexity of the anatomical structure easy to understand, since it is disassembled into its 22 individual bones.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

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